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Message   Warpslide    August Abolins   Re: buy a Mac, run Windows on it   July 20, 2021
 8:34 PM *  

On 20 Jul 2021, August Abolins said the following...
 AA> Not surprised that the MS version worked. Afterall, the Mac  
 AA> version of Word was probably just a quick recompile "for  
 AA> Windows" without properly checking full functionality?

It's actually really different, if it was just a port of the Windows version I
would have expected it to work better.

 AA> OK.  But look what "neat" for a little while cost you.  :/

Yeah, very true.  At least I got to dive into MacOS and learn more about it
before coming back to PC-Land.

 AA> I'm not sure how my Win7's are affected by the recent Printer  
 AA> Spooler vulnerability.  I think the news said that ALL versions  
 AA> of Windows were affected.

As a personal user you can use 0Patch for free and have your Win7 machine
(somewhat) protected against PrintNightmare (among other things):

I say "somewhat" because the patches produced my Microsoft don't appear to
fully fix the issue and even more vulnerabilities are being discovered in the
print spooler.  At least with 0Patch it checks in with the server and applies
the patches without the need for a reboot.


... To think too long about doing a thing often becomes its undoing.

--- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2021/07/18 (Raspberry Pi/32)
 * Origin: Northern Realms (618:500/23)
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