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Message   Arelor    August Abolins   Magic: The Gathering ..the card game   July 20, 2021
 4:20 AM *  

  Re: Magic: The Gathering ..the card game
  By: August Abolins to Arelor on Mon Jul 19 2021 07:50 am

 > Sorry..  never heard of this. But I *have* heard of the company
 > Wizards of the Coast which put out some books of the genre.

Well, if you hadn't heard of Wizards of the Coast you'd have neglected some
important book franchises :-)

Wizards of the Coast owns Dungeons And Dragons, and that means they own some
franchises that used to be VERY big in he fantasy genre. Dragonlance used to be
very strong, with around 200 books published. Ontly the "core" trilogies were
guaranteed to be good but fans consumed these books like hot cakes.

There is even a paraody of the song Black Wind, Fire and Steel whose lyrics
translate as "I have read 200 Dragonlance books / now I am plunged into a
trance / I am gearing up with sword and armor / and throwing myself into the
heat of battle" (or something like that).

The other heavy hitting franchise Wizards of the Coast had is Forgotten Realms.
Most Forgotten Realms' books were abysmal bad. However, they contain all the
series Salvatore wrote about Drizzt the Darl Elf - a Dark El├▒f from the
hellish Underdark who wants to be a good Elf, despite the fact everybody in his
society partakes in evil acts of betrayal, blood sacrifices and other fun
activities. Anything from Drizzt used to sell as hot cakes too. Until the
series stopped being good, this is.

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