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Message   Arelor    August Abolins   nice sound systems   July 19, 2021
 3:48 AM *  

  Re: nice sound systems
  By: August Abolins to Arelor on Sun Jul 18 2021 05:58 pm

 > Hello Arelor!
 > ** On Sunday 18.07.21 - 15:53, Arelor wrote to Sean Dennis:
 >  A> I also keep a lot of backups of my albums in FLAC. The so-
 >  A> so albums I backup as high quality ogg. I am lucky in that
 >  A> I have access to nice sound systems. Most kids nowadays use
 >  A> crappy equipment and you would not tell the difference
 >  A> between a full featured FLAC and a crappy mp3 sampled at 8
 >  A> khz on it. It all sounds like garbage :-)
 > Most kids nowadays just use the in-ear headphones too.  The
 > right quality ear-piece could be pretty awesome sounding
 > especially if the quality is good. But the "crappy mp3" of
 > yesteryear that was predominantly only 128kbps from iTunes for
 > example, yeah.. that's a pretty bad entry point for the aural
 > experience.  However, today's streaming services are offering
 > entry-level quality akin to atleast 256kbps - which isn't too
 > shabby with the in-ear headphones.
 > I've always imagined that when my barn could ever be restored,
 > I'd have "live" open-air concerts in the upper hayloft with
 > high-quality sound systems.
 > --
 >   ../|ug

I think most people here who uses earpods use the ones they snatch for free
from trains and bus rides. I don't know many people investing in quality
earpods, and even then, they are serviceable but not great more often than not.

Low quality earpods don't grind my gears because earpods serve a specific
purpose and I take for granted you are not going to get the best quality out of
affordable ones. What DOES grind my gears is people using speakers the size of
a candybar nokia as their main music system.

I don't intend people to use a Behringer speaker the size of a person (I have
4, by the way) but there is no way you are going to sqeeze good quality out of
such small equipment. It is pure phisics. You cannot produce a long sound wave
if the speaker is the size of your fist. This cuts a lot of frequencies out
from the spectrum. It is ok to have a small portable speaker for a beach party
but not as your main home sound system :-(

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