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Message   Arelor    August Abolins   people has gotten used not to pay   July 19, 2021
 3:39 AM *  

  Re: people has gotten used not to pay
  By: August Abolins to Arelor on Sun Jul 18 2021 05:16 pm

 >  A> Or at least, that used to be the case. When people got used
 >  A> to download the mangas from the Internet the whole thing
 >  A> dried up very quickly, which was a heavy blow for no-soap-
 >  A> dude because mangas were 75% of his sales.
 > That's a lot of Manga.
 >  A> Then they started selling Magic cards in mainstream
 >  A> retailers and that took about 30% of his remaining sales.
 > I don't know what Magic cards are.  Do you have a link that
 > describes the product?
 > What's the no-soap-dude doing now?
 > I do however seem to be selling a lot of oracle and tarot cards
 > lately.

Manga used to be the only thing high school kids read. The ones that read
anything, I mean.

By Magic I mean Magic: The Gathering. It is a collectible card game in which
you buiold decks of monsters and powers and use them to face other players. It
moves a whole lot of money. There are organized tournaments and some
collectible cards are worth tens of thousands of dollars.

People who play Magic is usually very hardcore at it. It is one of those things
that is more of a lifestyle than a hobby.

Magic is owned by the same company that publishes Dungeons and Dragons.

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