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Message   Warpslide    August Abolins   Re: buy a Mac, run Windows on it   July 18, 2021
 7:25 PM *  

On 18 Jul 2021, August Abolins said the following...
 AA> That's a wealthy aunt.  Stay friends!  You might inherit  
 AA> something.  ;)

 AA> How is she using the Mac most of the time?  Is it just for  
 AA> browsing over the internet and movies?  Is she using it for  
 AA> anything like photography?

She does "the books" for my uncle who's a plumber, so she mainly uses Office,
Email & Quickbooks? (I think).  All of these programs are available for MacOS
but they're "not the same".

 AA> A friend of mine has been 100% Mac most of his computer life,  
 AA> but he stays with 100% MacOS and Mac progs.

I switched to a MacBook Pro a few years back and made myself use only MacOS
programs to accomplish the tasks I wanted, I actually got pretty good finding my
way around the interface and then the command line as well.

Then MacOS Catalina & then Big Sur came along and rendered some of the programs
I was using useless, one of them (Parallels) charges for each new version and I
wasn't about to shell out another $80 ~seven months after buying the previous
one, so I switched back to a PC (this X1 Carbon I'm using now) and got a pretty
good price for the MacBook on Kijiji.

 AA> Is it still in preview state?  I am reading that Win11 will  
 AA> only be available for 64bit machines, but "FREE" to Win10  
 AA> users.

Yeah, you can sign up for free to the "Insiders Preview" and download the
preview release.  I think I read something about it being released Fall 2021,
but I'm not 100% sure about that.  Last I looked there was a 32bit ISO available
for download, but I haven't downloaded either to try them out.


... If you can't learn to do it well, learn to enjoy doing it badly.

--- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2021/07/18 (Raspberry Pi/32)
 * Origin: Northern Realms (618:500/23)
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