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Message   Sean Dennis    Arelor   Re: Never do a system fu   July 18, 2021
 2:44 PM *  

-=> Arelor wrote to Daryl Stout <=-

 Ar> Microsoft is making big investments in stuff that is not IT related,
 Ar> like railway firms and the like. I think this means they don't have
 Ar> ideas to fund with their own money so it is more profitable for them to
 Ar> fund somebody else's ideas instead.

Railways?  That's still a risky proposition (I am a railroad fan).  
Trucking is still beating out railways for business.  Still, I wonder if 
Microsoft isn't trying to become another Amazon (starting in one 
business and branching out into many others).

 Ar> In the early days I would have said it was a case of Microsofty trying
 Ar> to destroy competition, because they actually were that way. Not that
 Ar> they aren't a bit like that today - you are not convincing me that
 Ar> Secure Boot was not an experiment to see if they could lock others out
 Ar> of Wintel hardware - but it is less of an issue now.

Oh yes, Secure Boot was trying to lock out all other operating systems.  
It's more of a hassle than anything else even with Windows.  This 
putting Windows keys into a BIOS is kinda silly IMNSHO.

-- Sean

... Losing weight: the triumph of mind over platter.
___ MultiMail/Win v0.52

--- Maximus/2 3.01
 * Origin: Outpost BBS // (618:618/10)
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