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Message   Arelor    Mark Hofmann   Re: Never do a system full update at nig   July 18, 2021
 8:44 AM *  

  Re: Re: Never do a system full update at nig
  By: Mark Hofmann to Kurt Weiske on Sat Jul 17 2021 08:45 pm

 > I didn't know that, but figured that was around the corner.  They want to pu
 > the user desktop to the cloud so they can charge subscriptions.  Fortunately
 > there are lots of other options out there - even for the average user.  I do
 > see that taking off.

I personally think that sort of thing only flies with corporate customers. For
a corporation it is easier to externalize the management of office programs and
files and tell employees to keep all the sensitive material up there and save
no local copies. That way, if some file is leaked, they can blame the employee
for having a local copy of the file against corporate policy.

For home customers, it is just not going to work. Individuals are used to
having every digital service for free. As my former favourite book store owner
- no longer favourite because Abolins took his place - used to say, "people has
gotten used not to pay [and this is why I cannot sell Manga anymore]"

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