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Message   Mark Hofmann    Sean Dennis   Re: Never do a system fu   July 17, 2021
 8:51 PM *  

SD> Then when the Internet goes down, no one can do anything anymore. I
SD> guess I'm an odd one out because I don't need to be online all the time
SD> (well, except for the BBS, but I hope to have a POTS line eventually).
SD> I still distrust the Internet in a lot of ways and, being the age that
SD> I am, I always well. Newer isn't always better, IMNSHO.

I feel the same way, but the average user these days just browses the Internet
and reads email.  They don't install any apps (most don't even know how) on
their Windows systems.  

I am big on home automation and have done some work with Home Assistant.  I have
a fairly extensive setup and one thing that was very important to me on the
project.  That everything would work 100% with no Internet or cloud at all. 
Everything I have done is all local.  The only thing that would stop working is
my cell phone access to my home and I wouldn't be able to open my garage doors
until I was in WiFi range.

- Mark

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