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Message   Mark Hofmann    Nick Andre   Re: Never do a system full update at nig   July 17, 2021
 9:20 AM *  

NA> The real moneymaker for them is Office 365 and Server/Enterprise products
NA> which have mostly been good. They pretty much wrote off the phone
NA> business.

Very true.  Microsoft makes the vast majority of their money from their cloud
services, which would include O365.  Not to mention these are recurring revenue
platforms which is even better for them.  Their desktop OS is lower on the
priority list at this point.  I'm sure they are working on ways to pull that
into the cloud and will want people to run Windows 12 via RDP in the cloud or
Hyper-V.  Boot to cloud.. That would be the end of that OS.

Yeah, Microsoft tried many times to enter the phone business and failed.  I
think they are done with it at this point.

I will say I am surprised just how much market share they ended up with in the
cloud.  I really thought Amazon and Google would dominate and MS would get some
left overs.  What kept them in play was Exchange and Active Directory and it
moving to the cloud.  That started their cloud migration and is the main glue
that keeps them together in the cloud space.

- Mark

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