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Message   Sean Dennis    Thecivvie   Re: Never do a system full update at night   July 14, 2021
 12:22 AM *  

 t> I keep trying to do my basic HAM licence here in 
 t> Ireland, maybe should pull the finger out as I have all 
 t> the PDF's on my nextcloud setup.

I have spoken to both Ireland and Northern Ireland before from here on both 20
and 40 meters (though both were noisy).  I am off the air right now as one of my
radios was hit by lightning, the other radio's finals may be messed up/blown and
I am in an apartment so I will have to get creative in how I get a HF antenna
up. :D

I am looking at getting an ICOM IC-7100 (160 meters through 440 mhz in a single
small radio and the head unit is very nice; looks like a Motorola desk head) if
I get Social Security.  Around $1100 new but I cand find one used online in good
condition for 1/3 to 1/2 price new.  I am a big ICOM fan as I like their setup.

 t> I have all from a Zero up to the 4, just waiting to get 
 t> a 400 as a laptop replacement for light work

I've seen those 400s and I've heard very good things about them.  The only thing
I would do is shoehorn Devuan on there for my own personal taste.

-- Sean

--- Maximus/2 3.01
 * Origin: Outpost BBS // (618:618/10)
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