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Message   Tiny    All   Computer hax0ring   February 14, 2017
 4:53 PM *  

   Hello everybody!

  For the first time in 2 years I did some actual work in my field. ;)
My old business partner needed a new rack mount server built.  I told him
to get all the hardware and I went over to his workplace and spent a few
hours building a server. ;)  24 6TB hdd's, 132gigs of RAM, 2 2 TB drives
for OS, twist ties, neat runs etc etc.

  Felt good to hear that bastard spin up (Sounds like a jet with the 14
fans, and the top of the case off. LOL.  Not sure what the CPU's were, there
were 4 of them.  I'm way out of date on specs, but the building part is just
the same... cards are different sizes now, but twist ties still work the same.


... Classical music is the kind we keep thinking will turn into a tune.
--- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20160322
 * Origin: Tiny's BBS - (618:500/32.3)
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