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Message   Nick Andre    Lux   Re: Never do a system full update at nig   July 13, 2021
 5:39 AM *  

On 13 Jul 21  00:12:58, Lux said the following to Nick Andre:

L> Knowing more things now, windows was likely only crashing to hell due to 
L> crappy drivers and unfinished software cramming up the reg ..  regis...
L> ugh...  REGISTERRRRY.  Gross

Agreed. The Windows kernal is actually very good; its just everything else 
piled ontop thats crap. The registry and DLL management are a constant 

I had the same problem with OS/2 in the end before I switched to Windows 2000,
it was problems with drivers, drivers, drivers.

L> But I get it rush the product out we can fix/patch it later there is a
L> pricepoint and a number of units that must sell for returns on investment fo
L> those damn share holders.

I'm not sure I agree here because Microsoft hasn't made that much money with
Windows as they used to these days. People use computers much differently 
now... no more buying and installing software; people just go online and 
use whatever social or cloud services. Most people can pick up a cheap
Chromebook and be happy with it. Microsoft knows this and isn't stupid.

The real moneymaker for them is Office 365 and Server/Enterprise products 
which have mostly been good. They pretty much wrote off the phone business.


--- Renegade vY2Ka2
 * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (618:500/24)
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