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Message   Sean Dennis    Daryl Stout   M$ Crap   July 11, 2021
 7:38 PM *  

Hello Daryl,

Sunday July 11 2021 12:47, you wrote to me:

 DS>   Microsoft came out with a fix for the PrintNightmare (via the print
 DS> spooling), which hackers were using to gain control of the system. So
 DS> much for updates only on the second Tuesday (which is coming up this
 DS> week). That means downtime while I download and install the updates.
 DS> When they did that 2004 Build Update to Windows 10, it took 8 hours to
 DS> complete...ridiculous. But, after every "patch" is released, more
 DS> vulnerabilities are released by the hackers, throwing more egg on
 DS> Microsoft's proverbial face.

I believe that only affects Windows Server with people using priviliged GPOs
with older versions of Windows (such as NT or 2000).

 DS>   I have to use Microsoft Office with a square dance publication I
 DS> have to maintain...but otherwise, I use LibreOffice.

There's actually a more compatible free office "suite" called ONLYOffice at  It's available for the major OSes.  I used it
under Linux and found it to be more compatible than LibreOffice with .DOCX
documents.  I had one given to me by a state agency that I had to print and
LibreOffice and Abiword refused to see it correctly.  I installed ONLYOffice and
it worked.  Give it a try.

 DS>   Or they'd buy the hardware, then get help to wipe the hard drive,
 DS> and put Mac or Linux on it (easier said than done, I'm sure).

The average computer user couldn't build a Hackintosh (a PC running OS X) easily
-- it's so difficult that I won't try it.  There are great Linux distros for
beginner users, like Linux Mint, that would be good, but since there aren't any
major games for Linux, most people don't want to use it. There is Steam but even
then a majority of Steam games are for Windows.

-- Sean

... An idea is not responsible for the people who believe in it.
--- GoldED/2 3.0.1
 * Origin: Outpost BBS // (618:618/10)
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