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Message   Daryl Stout    Sean Dennis   M$ Crap   July 11, 2021
 12:47 PM *  


 SD> Another reason is that these days, people are lazy and want everything
 SD> done for them which makes switching to Linux more difficult.  Microsoft
 SD> seems to be more interested in fluff and pretty pictures rather than
 SD> building a solid, reliable OS.

  As for "wanting everything done", they think the world revolves around
them. Yet, they came into the world as naked and broke as you and me...and
they're going out the same way. Or as a QWK Mail Tagline notes..."We are
born naked, wet, and hungry. Then, it gets worse". :P

  I know of at least 2 ham radio operators who feel that "the world, ham
radio, and nets revolve around them". Using the 4 classes of "traffic",
they feel it's an EMERGENCY, if their ROUTINE traffic isn't given
PRIORITY, because otherwise, their HEALTH AND WELFARE (ego) will be

  I prepared a stern warning letter to one individual, who really needed
to have someone supervise him while on the air...because the above
paragraph fit him to a tee. In fact, on one net, he didn't like the way
Net Control was running things, and he said "this isn't the way a net
is supposed to be run". 

  I went ballistic...and another ham asked me on D-Rats "Did I hear what 
I just thought I heard??"...and I typed "Yep". Had I been an FCC official, 
this ham would've had a Notice Of Liability For Forfeiture in his mailbox 
in short order, for malicious interference. Plus, he had done this on
several other nets, and I had heard it with my own ears.

  I told him that "I understand that more than one net control is about to
ban you from their net, and if you still show up, that the FCC will be
contacted by the Net Controls/Net Managers for enforcement action against
your license". I sent it overnight, and signature required, and it showed
that he got it. He has disappeared from the hobby, which suits me just
fine. He can't use being disabled as an excuse, as I am likewise. But, I
know what things like "on the air and net etiquette" mean.

 SD> Then again, Windows is no longer Microsoft's breadwinner so it's been
 SD> delegated to a dusty corner with R&D.

  Microsoft came out with a fix for the PrintNightmare (via the print 
spooling), which hackers were using to gain control of the system. So much
for updates only on the second Tuesday (which is coming up this week). That
means downtime while I download and install the updates. When they did that
2004 Build Update to Windows 10, it took 8 hours to complete...ridiculous.
But, after every "patch" is released, more vulnerabilities are released by
the hackers, throwing more egg on Microsoft's proverbial face.

  I have to use Microsoft Office with a square dance publication I have
to maintain...but otherwise, I use LibreOffice.

  If Microsoft was to ever implement a deal in Windows, requiring you
to use THEIR software (i.e. Microsoft Edge, Office, etc.), and everything
else (of similar functions) were rendered useless, folks would drop Windows
like the plague, and go to either Mac or Linux.

  Or they'd buy the hardware, then get help to wipe the hard drive, and
put Mac or Linux on it (easier said than done, I'm sure).


... Shell to DOS...Come in DOS...Do you copy DOS?...Over.
=== MultiMail/Win v0.52
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 * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (618:250/33)
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