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Message   Nick Andre    Mark Hofmann   Re: Never do a system full update at nig   July 9, 2021
 9:35 AM *  

On 09 Jul 21  08:54:48, Mark Hofmann said the following to Nick Andre:

MH> Every since Bill left, Microsoft has been cloning Apple in every way.  Firs
MH> with the failed "Windows phone" and app store which was a total flop, and n
MH> with the OS look, menu system, and everything.  For some reason they feel t
MH> copying Apple is the way to go vs. being innovative.  

They've copied and ripped off stuff over the many years but mostly were 
"subtle" about it. When Billy and Ballmer were at the helm, the big thing was
at least the OS had some level of quality to it... even Vista got relatively 
quick patches and service packs to fix how broken it was.

With Windows 10 and Server 2016 onward, everything is just a mishmash of 
things that look like it hasn't been tested all the way through, and updates 
are *constant* it seems. They keep saying Windows is a service but its not, 
its an OS. Updates once or twice a year would be okay, not every month or 
every week or whatever.


--- Renegade vY2Ka2
 * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (618:500/24)
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