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Message   Mark Hofmann    Nick Andre   Re: Never do a system full update at nig   July 9, 2021
 8:54 AM *  

NA> Now that Billy is getting his clocked cleaned in the divorce, I really
NA> hope he returns to M$ to fix all this shit. Say what you will but when
NA> Billy and Ballmer were at the helm, things were "meh, okay" with M$.

Every since Bill left, Microsoft has been cloning Apple in every way.  First
with the failed "Windows phone" and app store which was a total flop, and now
with the OS look, menu system, and everything.  For some reason they feel that
copying Apple is the way to go vs. being innovative.  

The OS is becoming less and less important with the average user that runs
almost everything from a browser.  Most regular people could get by with a cheap

- Mark

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