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Message   Kevin Nunn    Sean Dennis   Re: Took the plunge   April 20, 2018
 10:22 PM *  

-=> SEAN DENNIS wrote to ALL <=-

 SD> so when I saw an email from TigerDirect advertising a certified
 SD> refurbished Lenovo Chromebook, I not only looked but I bought one.  For
 SD> $99 and $5.99 shipping, not a bad deal. 1.4Ghz Celeron, 4GB RAM, 16GB

A Co-Worker of mine bought that same Chrombook after playing with my
backup Chromebook for a few days. It looked like a great deal when he
showed it to me. 

I've been a Chromebook user since they first came out. I was actually
in the pilot program and got one of the CR-48's when they first came
out. For general purpose use they are the best option IMHO. 

I have a nice i7 16gb laptop with 500gb SSD, which absolutely flies!
But when I go mobile I carry my ASUS Flip Chromebook. For checking
email, browsing the web, doing any "office" type work with google docs
or Office 365, it works great. And battery life is out of this world,
plus it runs android apps. 

 SD> eye on the BBS (I use the vSSH Android app). Good enough for me.

There is also a Chrome app called "Secure Shell App" that runs natively
in ChromeOS, you might want to give that a try. I use it to connect to
my Mystic Pi box and the iSeries boxes I support. 

 SD> I checked and I can expand the memory to 8GB and put a 64GB SSD in the

You probably won't need it. I am sure it has a SD or Micro SD slot, you
can get a 64gb card to put in there for some storage if you need it.

And you probably won't need more than 4gb of memory. Mine has 4gb also
and I routinely would have 4-6 browser tabs going at once and haven't
ever noticed a slowdown. 

Unless, of course, you install Crouton and run full blown linux on it,
then you could probably benefit from more ram and storage. 

Enjoy it though, they are great for what they do. 

--- Telegard/2/QWK v3.09.g2-sp4/mL
 * Origin: Razor's Domain/2 BBS  (618:200/36.1)
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