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Message   Warpslide    August Abolins   Re: front door & grab your keys   June 10, 2021
 9:25 AM *  

On 09 Jun 2021, August Abolins said the following...
 AA> I did something exactly like that by inserting a layer of  
 AA> folded tin foil in my wallet, and the touchless/proximity POS  
 AA> that did not pick up on any cards.

I bought a stainless steel wallet which I actually quite liked.  It was
supposed to block RFID signals as well, but I never tested it.  The problem
was the corners were kind of sharp and scratched the hell out of the screen
on my phone!

 AA> Yes.. the keyless ignition fobs emit a signal constantly. The  
 AA> batteries in those things probably need more frequent changes  
 AA> than the typical fob then?

It's just a CR2032 battery, which Ford says *should* last 3 to 4 years.  The
other half has a Honda civic & had to replace the battery after 2 years.

 AA> Ok.. so if the key is in the ignition, does it still emit?  I  
 AA> would hope that the emitter is disabled, otherwise the signal  
 AA> is broadcast to anyone passing you on the highway.

The FOB just has to be inside the cabin, there isn't anywhere to insert it.
Mostly for me it's either in my pocket or I throw it in the cup holder.

And the FOB needs to be in the cabin the entire time you're driving,
otherwise the car will just come to a stop.  So I don't know if it constantly
broadcasts or just beacons from time-to-time.

 AA> That *is* interesting. So.. if the lid is tightly closed, but  
 AA> unlatched, then some signal still leaks?

Seems to be the case.  That being said, I didn't test it too thoroughly.  It's
possible the box wasn't tightly closed with the latch open, but I'm not too
worried.  When we're home, our keys are in the box with the latch closed.

Another thing I read was people keeping their keys in the microwave.  I put
my keys in there and I was still able to communicate with my bluetooth
tracker.  So either I have a really crappy microwave that leaks radiation or
that faraday cage only blocks microwaves & not bluetooth?

 AA> Not according to the fellow who was able to hack fob and  
 AA> garage-door opener signals. Most fob signals emit a pattern of  
 AA> serial numbers that are easy to figure out.

I found this online from 2019:

"The new system uses a sleep mode that sends the fob to sleep if it remains
motionless for 40 seconds and wakes it up once it detects movement and is
within 6.5m of the car."

So it sounds like I may not need the faraday box for when I'm home, though
I'll use it anyway.

As for walking about, it sounds like the FOB sleeps until it's within rage of
the car, so walking around the grocery store should be safe.  There are also
faraday pouches you can buy, but I doubt I'll go that far.


--- Mystic BBS v1.12 A46 2020/08/26 (Raspberry Pi/32)
 * Origin: Northern Realms (618:500/23)
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