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Message   Sean Dennis    August Abolins   Re: front door & grab your keys   June 9, 2021
 10:36 PM *  

August Abolins wrote to Sean Dennis:

AA> Hundreds?  Really?

Yes, hundreds.  Close to 400 passwords, actually.  Once I get a Yubikey set
up, I will be modifying all of those passwords except a couple to random

AA> I'd be afraid that the such a yubikey device gets electrically  
AA> compromised, or lost. I've developed apparently "dead" usb  
AA> thumb drives at the least convenient moments. I've also lost a  
AA> couple of usb drives detaching from my key chain.

That's why you have multiple Yubikeys, much like Sean Rima does.  You never
just have a single device.  You -always- have redundancy (and backups).

AA> I've came up with a formula for most sites that I need to  
AA> access with a password based on the sitenames.  That way my  
AA> "yubikey" is in my head, and I can always figure out the  
AA> password based on the formula.  I actually have 3 different  
AA> formulas depending on how many syllables are in the sitename or  
AA> how many distinct words are part of the company name.

When you've had two massive concussions and permanent "brain fog" from
chronic illness and the medications to treat them, you learn not to trust
your memory.  I have enough trouble remembering how to get dressed at times
... though working on the BBS is not too difficult (probably "muscle memory"
if anything after 25 years).

AA> For inconsequential sites, I let my browser remember them.

I do that also.

-- Sean

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