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Message   August Abolins    Warpslide   front door & grab your keys   June 9, 2021
 6:39 PM *  

Hello Warpslide!

** On Wednesday 09.06.21 - 09:35, Warpslide wrote to August Abolins:

 W> That's why I also have this fancy schmancy Faraday Box:

 W> Theft/dp/B088TNW G1N

You could have probably built your own by lining the inside of  
a box (and a lid) with tin-foil or the duct tape that is used  
to seal heating ducts.

I did something exactly like that by inserting a layer of  
folded tin foil in my wallet, and the touchless/proximity POS  
that did not pick up on any cards.

But, by then I had already ordered a fine (inexpensive) RFID  
shielded wallet.

 W> ...Opened the box and started the car, then closed the box
 W> again.  After about 30 seconds the "No Key Detected"
 W> message came back and wouldn't let me shift out of park.

Yes.. the keyless ignition fobs emit a signal constantly. The  
batteries in those things probably need more frequent changes  
than the typical fob then?

Ok.. so if the key is in the ignition, does it still emit?  I  
would hope that the emitter is disabled, otherwise the signal  
is broadcast to anyone passing you on the highway.

What about the scenario when the keys are in your pocket and  
you're out doing shopping?   Or.. does a proper "exposure" of  
the fob signal only work when it is within comms range of the  

 W> ...Here's where it gets interesting: If I unlatch the box
 W> but keep the box closed, the AirTag will receive the signal
 W> to play a sound, but still can't be located.  So I suspect
 W> the latch plays a role in either completing the cage or
 W> just holding the box closed tight enough for the protection
 W> to work.

That *is* interesting. So.. if the lid is tightly closed, but  
unlatched, then some signal still leaks?

 W> Either way, it's a neat little box that kept me amused for
 W> about 45 minutes testing various scenarios.

Sounds like it!  Thanks for the Consumer Report!

 W> ..So it is encrypted between the car & FOB, it's
 W> just receiving a some help extending the range between the two.

Not according to the fellow who was able to hack fob and  
garage-door opener signals. Most fob signals emit a pattern of  
serial numbers that are easy to figure out.

 W> There was another one I saw where someone could capture the
 W> signal over the air to unlock the doors and "replay" it as
 W> many times as they wanted to unlock a car.  THAT is just
 W> poor design!

That one sounds like a first-generation fob.  Stupid engineers!  
 Or, most likely penny-pinching project managers.


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 * Origin: (} Pointy McPointface (618:250/1.9)
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