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Message   Kurt Weiske    Mark Hofmann   Re: Lesson learned   June 7, 2021
 7:48 AM *  

-=> Mark Hofmann wrote to Sean Dennis <=-

 MH> Some of the places that have the golden noose will work you to death,
 MH> non-stop after hours calling, weekend and night work all the time, etc.
 MH>  That is not for me, anymore.  I used to think that was exciting when I
 MH> was younger, but not so much anymore.

There was a time when I was siting late one night in a colo facility, cross- 
legged on the floor, feet going to sleep from sitting on a concrete floor, 
serial cable from my laptop plugged into a router, debugging a network 
issue. I looked over and saw kids 20 years younger doing the same thing and 
thought "I'm too old for this".

Since then, I started managing larger teams. I've done a lot of office 
moves, and my teams were the customer-facing support teams. I'd be there 
with them long after the other technical managers had left. a couple of 
times they'd call me asking my teams to take care of things they should have 
been in the office taking care of. At least I was sitting in an office chair 
and expensing pizza and soft drinks for the move teams...

... Always the first steps
--- MultiMail/DOS v0.52
 * Origin: -- information is power. (618:300/1)
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