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Message   Andy O'Brien    Nick Andre   Re: DOSBOX works!   February 1, 2018
 9:24 AM *  

  Re: Re: DOSBOX works!
  By: Nick Andre to Kurt Weiske on Tue Dec 19 2017 06:42 pm

 NA>> Watch out for file "caching" problems with DOSBOX.

 KW>> I do notice that if I copy a file over in Windows that I need to
 KW>> restart th DOSBOX window to see the files. I'm having Zmodem issues,
 KW>> too -- more puzzl to solve.

 NA> I forget who it was, I'm too lazy to Google it now, but I believe someone 
 NA> recompiled DOSBOX specifically for "application" use and not so much game
 NA> use. 

Old message, but I just recently found vDos which is basically DOSBox for
applications, Has excellent dos to windows printer support, uses any ttf and
looks good in any enviornment, etc. I'm using it on an old Paradox v3.5 DOS
database. Could not be happier.

There's a version called vDosPlus that adds 4DOS commands and is completely
free. The default vDos version has an annoying pay to remove popup. With either
one, there's a couple extra files you can download and when you print it just
takes the output and puts it in a .pdf file. Works really nice.

No idea on com port support though, but might be something to look into.


... HE has not a single redeeming defect.
--- SBBSecho 3.03-Win32
 * Origin: - Come for the pie... (618:300/26)
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