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Message   Sean Dennis    Kurt Weiske   Re: Lesson learned   June 5, 2021
 5:24 PM *  

-=> Kurt Weiske wrote to Sean Dennis <=-

 KW> Everyone else is used to it - mortgage, college tuition for one kid,
 KW> private school for the other...  :)

I understand that completely.  I miss the excellent medical/dental/vision
insurance I had while working for the second contractor when I was at John
Deere.  That and being able to afford a car payment.

I was teasing gently; more is always better even if the stress and workload
increase.  I do miss working in a lot of ways but in a few ways it's good to
be free of that.

 KW> It's a lot of fun being able to work directly with a couple of people
 KW> to get things done, and make decisions quickly. The company I'm in now
 KW> is a subsidiary of a subsidiary, and while "No" comes quickly, "Yes"
 KW> can take quite a few hoops to jump through.

I understand that also.  Working with huge corporations just means that much
more red tape and frustration to get things done and, in some cases, an even
smaller budget to work with.


... The Fourth Law of Computing: On a slow day, you can wait forever.
--- MultiMail/Linux
 * Origin: Outpost BBS * Micronet World HQ (618:618/1)
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