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Message   Arelor    Kurt Weiske   Re: Lesson learned   June 4, 2021
 5:57 PM *  

  Re: Re: Lesson learned
  By: Kurt Weiske to Arelor on Thu Jun 03 2021 07:41 am

 > -=> Arelor wrote to Sean Dennis <=-
 >  Ar> I source most of my computers from a second hand dealer. You can have
 >  Ar> some Optiplex computers for 30 bucks the piece. I even get my computers
for work there. Mor
 >  Ar> often than not they work, and if they don't, I am
 >  Ar> off only 30 bucks :-)
 > I liked being the IT guy at a small company, trying to make do with a too- 
small budget. I'd bu
 > second-hand off-lease computers, increase the RAM and  run a company's
network on a shoestring
 > budget. Or buy 10 systems and make  them into 7 working systems maxxed out
for RAM, with the bes
 > video cards
 > out of the lot, and 3 spare parts machines.
 > Alas, I can't afford to work at those companies anymore.  :)
 > ... Overtly resist change

I don't have a bad life, multitasking for a small clinic, working for Linux News
Media, and running
an ecommerce and brick and mortar store.

I tried applying for a job at big IT because I wanted to learn from within the
indutry, instead of
self-learning from second-hand books and by trying to hack solutions together
without any
assitence. Nowadays I don't think I would be living better had I gotten the job.

--- SBBSecho 3.14-Linux
 * Origin: Palantir * * Pensacola, FL * (618:250/24)
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