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Message   Shawn Highfield    Sean Dennis   Lesson learned   June 2, 2021
 4:08 AM *  

-=> Sean Dennis wrote to All <=-

 SD> This time, the EliteDesk didn't have any network.  Even after searching
 SD> on my phone and Google and putting in the right driver (tg3), it didn't
 SD> work. I spent a good 30 minutes going around Google, doing this and
 SD> that, without any success.

While not a real solution, you can always take the lazy way out (my way) and
plug a USB network card in there.  My "Server" is hooked up via a USB wifi
card as I am no longer able to run cat 5 around the apartment due to an
agreement with Andrea. ;)

 SD> So I gave up.

Yup.  I fixed her laptop the same way... windows but the internal wifi started
acting like an asshole, so I plugged a USB one in and said "Don't pull this
doo hickey out."


... Alcoholism is the only disease that you can get yelled at for having.

--- Talisman v0.21-dev (Windows/x86)
 * Origin: Tiny's BBS II = (618:500/33)
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