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Message   Sean Rima    All   CRYPTO-GRAM, April 15, 2021   April 16, 2021
 6:44 PM *  

April 15, 2021

by Bruce Schneier
Fellow and Lecturer, Harvard Kennedy School

A free monthly newsletter providing summaries, analyses, insights, and
commentaries on security: computer and otherwise.

For back issues, or to subscribe, visit Crypto-Gram's web page.

Read this issue on the web

These same essays and news items appear in the Schneier on Security blog, along
with a lively and intelligent comment section. An RSS feed is available.

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In this issue:

If these links don't work in your email client, try reading this issue of
Crypto-Gram on the web.

    Security Analysis of Apple's "Find My..." Protocol
    On the Insecurity of ES&S Voting Machines' Hash Code
    Illegal Content and the Blockchain
    Exploiting Spectre Over the Internet
    Easy SMS Hijacking
    Details of a Computer Banking Scam
    Accellion Supply Chain Hack
    Determining Key Shape from Sound
    Hacking Weapons Systems
    System Update: New Android Malware
    Fugitive Identified on YouTube By His Distinctive Tattoos
    Malware Hidden in Call of Duty Cheating Software
    Wi-Fi Devices as Physical Object Sensors
    Phone Cloning Scam
    Signal Adds Cryptocurrency Support
    Google's Project Zero Finds a Nation-State Zero-Day Operation
    Backdoor Added -- But Found -- in PHP
    More Biden Cybersecurity Nominations
    The FBI Is Now Securing Networks Without Their Owners' Permission
    Upcoming Speaking Engagements

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Security Analysis of Apple's "Find My..." Protocol

[2021.03.15] Interesting research: ΓÇ£Who Can Find My Devices? Security and
Privacy of AppleΓÇÖs Crowd-Sourced Bluetooth Location Tracking SystemΓÇ£:

    Abstract: Overnight, Apple has turned its hundreds-of-million-device
ecosystem into the worldΓÇÖs largest crowd-sourced location tracking network
called offline finding (OF). OF leverages online finder devices to detect the
presence of missing offline devices using Bluetooth and report an approximate
location back to the owner via the Internet. While OF is not the first system of
its kind, it is the first to commit to strong privacy goals. In particular, OF
aims to ensure finder anonymity, untrackability of owner devices, and
confidentiality of location reports. This paper presents the first comprehensive
security and privacy analysis of OF. To this end, we recover the specifications
of the closed-source OF protocols by means of reverse engineering. We
experimentally show that unauthorized access to the location reports allows for
accurate device tracking and retrieving a userΓÇÖs top locations with an error
in the order of 10 meters in urban areas. While we find that OFΓÇÖs design
achieves its privacy goals, we discover two distinct design and implementation
flaws that can lead to a location correlation attack and unauthorized access to
the location history of the past seven days, which could deanonymize users.
Apple has partially addressed the issues following our responsible disclosure.
Finally, we make our research artifacts publicly available.

There is also code available on GitHub, which allows arbitrary Bluetooth devices
to be tracked via AppleΓÇÖs Find My network.

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On the Insecurity of ES&S Voting Machines' Hash Code

[2021.03.16] Andrew Appel and Susan Greenhalgh have a blog post on the
insecurity of ES&SΓÇÖs software authentication system:

    It turns out that ES&S has bugs in their hash-code checker: if the
ΓÇ£reference hashcodeΓÇ¥ is completely missing, then itΓÇÖll say ΓÇ£yes, boss,
everything is fineΓÇ¥ instead of reporting an error. ItΓÇÖs simultaneously
shocking and unsurprising that ES&SΓÇÖs hashcode checker could contain such a
blunder and that it would go unnoticed by the U.S. Election Assistance
CommissionΓÇÖs federal certification process. ItΓÇÖs unsurprising because
testing naturally tends to focus on ΓÇ£does the system work right when used as
intended?ΓÇ¥ Using the system in unintended ways (which is what hackers would
do) is not something anyone will notice.


    Another gem in Mr. MechlerΓÇÖs report is in Section 7.1, in which he reveals
that acceptance testing of voting systems is done by the vendor, not by the
customer. Acceptance testing is the process by which a customer checks a
delivered product to make sure it satisfies requirements. To have the vendor do
acceptance testing pretty much defeats the purpose.

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Illegal Content and the Blockchain

[2021.03.17] Security researchers have recently discovered a botnet with a novel
defense against takedowns. Normally, authorities can disable a botnet by taking
over its command-and-control server. With nowhere to go for instructions, the
botnet is rendered useless. But over the years, botnet designers have come up
with ways to make this counterattack harder. Now the content-delivery network
Akamai has reported on a new method: a botnet that uses the Bitcoin blockchain
ledger. Since the blockchain is globally accessible and hard to take down, the
botnetΓÇÖs operators appear to be safe.

ItΓÇÖs best to avoid explaining the mathematics of BitcoinΓÇÖs blockchain, but
to understand the colossal implications here, you need to understand one
concept. Blockchains are a type of ΓÇ£distributed ledgerΓÇ¥: a record of all
transactions since the beginning, and everyone using the blockchain needs to
have access to -- and reference -- a copy of it. What if someone puts illegal
material in the blockchain? Either everyone has a copy of it, or the
blockchainΓÇÖs security fails.

To be fair, not absolutely everyone who uses a blockchain holds a copy of the
entire ledger. Many who buy cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum donΓÇÖt
bother using the ledger to verify their purchase. Many donΓÇÖt actually hold the
currency outright, and instead trust an exchange to do the transactions and hold
the coins. But people need to continually verify the blockchainΓÇÖs history on
the ledger for the system to be secure. If they stopped, then it would be
trivial to forge coins. ThatΓÇÖs how the system works.

Some years ago, people started noticing all sorts of things embedded in the
Bitcoin blockchain. There are digital images, including one of Nelson Mandela.
ThereΓÇÖs the Bitcoin logo, and the original paper describing Bitcoin by its
alleged founder, the pseudonymous Satoshi Nakamoto. There are advertisements,
and several prayers. ThereΓÇÖs even illegal pornography and leaked classified
documents. All of these were put in by anonymous Bitcoin users. But none of
this, so far, appears to seriously threaten those in power in governments and
corporations. Once someone adds something to the Bitcoin ledger, it becomes
sacrosanct. Removing something requires a fork of the blockchain, in which
Bitcoin fragments into multiple parallel cryptocurrencies (and associated
blockchains). Forks happen, rarely, but never yet because of legal coercion. And
repeated forking would destroy BitcoinΓÇÖs stature as a stable(ish) currency.

The botnetΓÇÖs designers are using this idea to create an unblockable means of
coordination, but the implications are much greater. Imagine someone using this
idea to evade government censorship. Most Bitcoin mining happens in China. What
if someone added a bunch of Chinese-censored Falun Gong texts to the

What if someone added a type of political speech that Singapore routinely
censors? Or cartoons that Disney holds the copyright to?

In BitcoinΓÇÖs and most other public blockchains there are no central, trusted
authorities. Anyone in the world can perform transactions or become a miner.
Everyone is equal to the extent that they have the hardware and electricity to
perform cryptographic computations.

This openness is also a vulnerability, one that opens the door to asymmetric
threats and small-time malicious actors. Anyone can put information in the one
and only Bitcoin blockchain. Again, thatΓÇÖs how the system works.

Over the last three decades, the world has witnessed the power of open networks:
blockchains, social media, the very web itself. What makes them so powerful is
that their value is related not just to the number of users, but the number of
potential links between users. This is MetcalfeΓÇÖs law -- value in a network is
quadratic, not linear, in the number of users -- and every open network since
has followed its prophecy.

As Bitcoin has grown, its monetary value has skyrocketed, even if its uses
remain unclear. With no barrier to entry, the blockchain space has been a Wild
West of innovation and lawlessness. But today, many prominent advocates suggest
Bitcoin should become a global, universal currency. In this context, asymmetric
threats like embedded illegal data become a major challenge.

The philosophy behind Bitcoin traces to the earliest days of the open internet.
Articulated in John Perry BarlowΓÇÖs 1996 Declaration of the Independence of
Cyberspace, it was and is the ethos of tech startups: Code is more trustworthy
than institutions. Information is meant to be free, and nobody has the right --
and should not have the ability -- to control it.

But information must reside somewhere. Code is written by and for people, stored
on computers located within countries, and embedded within the institutions and
societies we have created. To trust information is to trust its chain of custody
and the social context it comes from. Neither code nor information is
value-neutral, nor ever free of human context.

Today, BarlowΓÇÖs vision is a mere shadow; every society controls the
information its people can access. Some of this control is through overt
censorship, as China controls information about Taiwan, Tiananmen Square, and
the Uyghurs. Some of this is through civil laws designed by the powerful for
their benefit, as with Disney and US copyright law, or UK libel law.

Bitcoin and blockchains like it are on a collision course with these laws. What
happens when the interests of the powerful, with the law on their side, are
pitted against an open blockchain? LetΓÇÖs imagine how our various scenarios
might play out.

China first: In response to Falun Gong texts in the blockchain, the PeopleΓÇÖs
Republic decrees that any miners processing blocks with banned content will be
taken offline -- their IPs will be blacklisted. This causes a hard fork of the
blockchain at the point just before the banned content. China might do this
under the guise of a ΓÇ£patrioticΓÇ¥ messaging campaign, publicly stating that
itΓÇÖs merely maintaining financial sovereignty from Western banks. Then it uses
paid influencers and moderators on social media to pump the China Bitcoin fork,
through both partisan comments and transactions. Two distinct forks would soon
emerge, one behind ChinaΓÇÖs Great Firewall and one outside. Other countries
with similar governmental and media ecosystems -- Russia, Singapore, Myanmar --
might consider following suit, creating multiple national Bitcoin forks. These
would operate independently, under mandates to censor unacceptable transactions
from then on.

DisneyΓÇÖs approach would play out differently. Imagine the company announces it
will sue any ISP that hosts copyrighted content, starting with networks hosting
the biggest miners. (Disney has sued to enforce its intellectual property rights
in China before.) After some legal pressure, the networks cut the miners off.
The miners reestablish themselves on another network, but Disney keeps the
pressure on. Eventually miners get pushed further and further off of mainstream
network providers, and resort to tunneling their traffic through an anonymity
service like Tor. That causes a major slowdown in the already slow (because of
the mathematics) Bitcoin network. Disney might issue takedown requests for Tor
exit nodes, causing the network to slow to a crawl. It could persist like this
for a long time without a fork. Or the slowdown could cause people to jump ship,
either by forking Bitcoin or switching to another cryptocurrency without the
copyrighted content.

And then thereΓÇÖs illegal pornographic content and leaked classified data.
These have been on the Bitcoin blockchain for over five years, and nothing has
been done about it. Just like the botnet example, it may be that these do not
threaten existing power structures enough to warrant takedowns. This could
easily change if Bitcoin becomes a popular way to share child sexual abuse
material. Simply having these illegal images on your hard drive is a felony,
which could have significant repercussions for anyone involved in Bitcoin.

Whichever scenario plays out, this may be the Achilles heel of Bitcoin as a
global currency.

If an open network such as a blockchain were threatened by a powerful
organization -- ChinaΓÇÖs censors, DisneyΓÇÖs lawyers, or the FBI trying to take
down a more dangerous botnet -- it could fragment into multiple networks.
ThatΓÇÖs not just a nuisance, but an existential risk to Bitcoin.

Suppose Bitcoin were fragmented into 10 smaller blockchains, perhaps by
geography: one in China, another in the US, and so on. These fragments might
retain their original users, and by ordinary logic, nothing would have changed.
But MetcalfeΓÇÖs law implies that the overall value of these blockchain
fragments combined would be a mere tenth of the original. That is because the
value of an open network relates to how many others you can communicate with --
and, in a blockchain, transact with. Since the security of bitcoin currency is
achieved through expensive computations, fragmented blockchains are also easier
to attack in a conventional manner -- through a 51 percent attack -- by an
organized attacker. This is especially the case if the smaller blockchains all
use the same hash function, as they would here.

Traditional currencies are generally not vulnerable to these sorts of asymmetric
threats. There are no viable small-scale attacks against the US dollar, or
almost any other fiat currency. The institutions and beliefs that give money its
value are deep-seated, despite instances of currency hyperinflation.

The only notable attacks against fiat currencies are in the form of
counterfeiting. Even in the past, when counterfeit bills were common, attacks
could be thwarted. Counterfeiters require specialized equipment and are
vulnerable to law enforcement discovery and arrest. Furthermore, most money
today -- even if itΓÇÖs nominally in a fiat currency -- doesnΓÇÖt exist in paper

Bitcoin attracted a following for its openness and immunity from government
control. Its goal is to create a world that replaces cultural power with
cryptographic power: verification in code, not trust in people. But there is no
such world. And today, that feature is a vulnerability. We really donΓÇÖt know
what will happen when the human systems of trust come into conflict with the
trustless verification that make blockchain currencies unique. Just last week we
saw this exact attack on smaller blockchains -- not Bitcoin yet. We are watching
a public socio-technical experiment in the making, and we will witness its
success or failure in the not-too-distant future.

This essay was written with Barath Raghavan, and previously appeared on

EDITED TO ADD (4/14): A research paper on erasing data from Bitcoin blockchain.

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Exploiting Spectre Over the Internet

[2021.03.18] Google has demonstrated exploiting the Spectre CPU attack remotely
over the web:

    Today, weΓÇÖre sharing proof-of-concept (PoC) code that confirms the
practicality of Spectre exploits against JavaScript engines. We use Google
Chrome to demonstrate our attack, but these issues are not specific to Chrome,
and we expect that other modern browsers are similarly vulnerable to this
exploitation vector. We have developed an interactive demonstration of the
attack available at ; the code and a more detailed writeup
are published on Github here.

    The demonstration website can leak data at a speed of 1kB/s when running on
Chrome 88 on an Intel Skylake CPU. Note that the code will likely require minor
modifications to apply to other CPUs or browser versions; however, in our tests
the attack was successful on several other processors, including the Apple M1
ARM CPU, without any major changes.

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Easy SMS Hijacking

[2021.03.19] Vice is reporting on a cell phone vulnerability caused by
commercial SMS services. One of the things these services permit is text message
forwarding. It turns out that with a little bit of anonymous money -- in this
case, $16 off an anonymous prepaid credit card -- and a few lies, you can
forward the text messages from any phone to any other phone.

    For businesses, sending text messages to hundreds, thousands, or perhaps
millions of customers can be a laborious task. Sakari streamlines that process
by letting business customers import their own number. A wide ecosystem of these
companies exist, each advertising their own ability to run text messaging for
other businesses. Some firms say they only allow customers to reroute messages
for business landlines or VoIP phones, while others allow mobile numbers too.

    Sakari offers a free trial to anyone wishing to see what the companyΓÇÖs
dashboard looks like. The cheapest plan, which allows customers to add a phone
number they want to send and receive texts as, is where the $16 goes. Lucky225
provided Motherboard with screenshots of SakariΓÇÖs interface, which show a red
ΓÇ£+ΓÇ¥ symbol where users can add a number.

    While adding a number, Sakari provides the Letter of Authorization for the
user to sign. SakariΓÇÖs LOA says that the user should not conduct any unlawful,
harassing, or inappropriate behaviour with the text messaging service and phone

    But as Lucky225 showed, a user can just sign up with someone elseΓÇÖs number
and receive their text messages instead.

This is much easier than SMS hijacking, and causes the same security
vulnerabilities. Too many networks use SMS as an authentication mechanism.

    Once the hacker is able to reroute a targetΓÇÖs text messages, it can then
be trivial to hack into other accounts associated with that phone number. In
this case, the hacker sent login requests to Bumble, WhatsApp, and Postmates,
and easily accessed the accounts.

DonΓÇÖt focus too much on the particular company in this article.

    But Sakari is only one company. And there are plenty of others available in
this overlooked industry.

    Tuketu said that after one provider cut-off their access, ΓÇ£it took us two
minutes to find another.ΓÇ¥

Slashdot thread. And Cory DoctorowΓÇÖs comments.

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Details of a Computer Banking Scam

[2021.03.22] This is a longish video that describes a profitable computer
banking scam thatΓÇÖs run out of call centers in places like India. ThereΓÇÖs a
lot of fluff about glitterbombs and the like, but the details are interesting.
The scammers convince the victims to give them remote access to their computers,
and then that theyΓÇÖve mistyped a dollar amount and have received a large
refund that they didnΓÇÖt deserve. Then they convince the victims to send cash
to a drop site, where a money mule retrieves it and forwards it to the scammers.

I found it interesting for several reasons. One, it illustrates the complex
business nature of the scam: there are a lot of people doing specialized jobs in
order for it to work. Two, it clearly shows the psychological manipulation
involved, and how it preys on the unsophisticated and vulnerable. And three,
itΓÇÖs an evolving tactic that gets around banks increasingly flagging blocking
suspicious electronic transfers.

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Accellion Supply Chain Hack

[2021.03.23] A vulnerability in the Accellion file-transfer program is being
used by criminal groups to hack networks worldwide.

ThereΓÇÖs much in the article about when Accellion knew about the vulnerability,
when it alerted its customers, and when it patched its software.

    The governor of New ZealandΓÇÖs central bank, Adrian Orr, says Accellion
failed to warn it after first learning in mid-December that the nearly
20-year-old FTA application -- using antiquated technology and set for
retirement -- had been breached.

    Despite having a patch available on Dec. 20, Accellion did not notify the
bank in time to prevent its appliance from being breached five days later, the
bank said.

CISA alert.

EDITED TO ADD (4/14): It appears spy plane details were leaked after the vendor
didnΓÇÖt pay the ransom.

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Determining Key Shape from Sound

[2021.03.24] ItΓÇÖs not yet very accurate or practical, but under ideal
conditions it is possible to figure out the shape of a house key by listening to
it being used.

    Listen to Your Key: Towards Acoustics-based Physical Key Inference

    Abstract: Physical locks are one of the most prevalent mechanisms for
securing objects such as doors. While many of these locks are vulnerable to
lock-picking, they are still widely used as lock-picking requires specific
training with tailored instruments, and easily raises suspicion. In this paper,
we propose SpiKey, a novel attack that significantly lowers the bar for an
attacker as opposed to the lock-picking attack, by requiring only the use of a
smartphone microphone to infer the shape of victimΓÇÖs key, namely bittings(or
cut depths) which form the secret of a key. When a victim inserts his/her key
into the lock, the emitted sound is captured by the attackerΓÇÖs
microphone.SpiKey leverages the time difference between audible clicks to
ultimately infer the bitting information, i.e., shape of the physical key. As a
proof-of-concept, we provide a simulation, based on real-world recordings, and
demonstrate a significant reduction in search spacefrom a pool of more than 330
thousand keys to three candidate keys for the most frequent case.

Scientific American podcast:

    The strategy is a long way from being viable in the real world. For one
thing, the method relies on the key being inserted at a constant speed. And the
audio element also poses challenges like background noise.

Boing Boing post.

EDITED TO ADD (4/14): I seem to have blogged this previously.

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Hacking Weapons Systems

[2021.03.26] Lukasz Olejnik has a good essay on hacking weapons systems.

Basically, there is no reason to believe that software in weapons systems is any
more vulnerability free than any other software. So now the question is whether
the software can be accessed over the Internet. Increasingly, it is. This is
likely to become a bigger problem in the near future. We need to think about
future wars where the tech simply doesnΓÇÖt work.

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System Update: New Android Malware

[2021.03.30] Researchers have discovered a new Android app called ΓÇ£System
UpdateΓÇ¥ that is a sophisticated Remote-Access Trojan (RAT). From a news

    The broad range of data that this sneaky little bastard is capable of
stealing is pretty horrifying. It includes: instant messenger messages and
database files; call logs and phone contacts; Whatsapp messages and databases;
pictures and videos; all of your text messages; and information on pretty much
everything else that is on your phone (it will inventory the rest of the apps on
your phone, for instance).

    The app can also monitor your GPS location (so it knows exactly where you
are), hijack your phoneΓÇÖs camera to take pictures, review your browserΓÇÖs
search history and bookmarks, and turn on the phone mic to record audio.

    The appΓÇÖs spying capabilities are triggered whenever the device receives
new information. Researchers write that the RAT is constantly on the lookout for
ΓÇ£any activity of interest, such as a phone call, to immediately record the
conversation, collect the updated call log, and then upload the contents to the
C&C server as an encrypted ZIP file.ΓÇ¥ After thieving your data, the app will
subsequently erase evidence of its own activity, hiding what it has been doing.

This is a sophisticated piece of malware. It feels like the product of a
national intelligence agency or -- and I think more likely -- one of the
cyberweapons arms manufacturers that sells this kind of capability to
governments around the world.

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Fugitive Identified on YouTube By His Distinctive Tattoos

[2021.04.01] A mafia fugitive hiding out in the Dominican Republic was arrested
when investigators found his YouTube cooking channel and identified him by his
distinctive arm tattoos.

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Malware Hidden in Call of Duty Cheating Software

[2021.04.02] News article:

    Most troublingly, Activision says that the ΓÇ£cheatΓÇ¥ tool has been
advertised multiple times on a popular cheating forum under the title ΓÇ£new COD
hack.ΓÇ¥ (Gamers looking to flout the rules will typically go to such forums to
find new ways to do so.) While the report doesnΓÇÖt mention which forum they
were posted on (that certainly wouldΓÇÖve been helpful), it does say that these
offerings have popped up a number of times. They have also been seen advertised
in YouTube videos, where instructions were provided on how gamers can run the
ΓÇ£cheatsΓÇ¥ on their devices, and the report says that ΓÇ£comments [on the
videos] seemingly indicate people had downloaded and attempted to use the

    Part of the reason this attack could work so well is that game cheats
typically require a user to disable key security features that would otherwise
keep a malicious program out of their system. The hacker is basically getting
the victim to do their own work for them.

    ΓÇ£It is common practice when configuring a cheat program to run it the with
the highest system privileges,ΓÇ¥ the report notes. ΓÇ£Guides for cheats will
typically ask users to disable or uninstall antivirus software and host
firewalls, disable kernel code signing, etc.ΓÇ¥

Detailed report.

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Wi-Fi Devices as Physical Object Sensors

[2021.04.05] The new 802.11bf standard will turn Wi-Fi devices into object

    In three years or so, the Wi-Fi specification is scheduled to get an upgrade
that will turn wireless devices into sensors capable of gathering data about the
people and objects bathed in their signals.

    ΓÇ£When 802.11bf will be finalized and introduced as an IEEE standard in
September 2024, Wi-Fi will cease to be a communication-only standard and will
legitimately become a full-fledged sensing paradigm,ΓÇ¥ explains Francesco
Restuccia, assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering at
Northeastern University, in a paper summarizing the state of the Wi-Fi Sensing
project (SENS) currently being developed by the Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers (IEEE).

    SENS is envisioned as a way for devices capable of sending and receiving
wireless data to use Wi-Fi signal interference differences to measure the range,
velocity, direction, motion, presence, and proximity of people and objects.

More detail in the article. Security and privacy controls are still to be worked
out, which means that there probably wonΓÇÖt be any.

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Phone Cloning Scam

[2021.04.06] A newspaper in Malaysia is reporting on a cell phone cloning scam.
The scammer convinces the victim to lend them their cell phone, and the scammer
quickly clones it. WhatΓÇÖs clever about this scam is that the victim is an Uber
driver and the scammer is the passenger, so the driver is naturally busy and
canΓÇÖt see what the scammer is doing.

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Signal Adds Cryptocurrency Support

[2021.04.07] According to Wired, Signal is adding support for the cryptocurrency
MobileCoin, ΓÇ£a form of digital cash designed to work efficiently on mobile
devices while protecting usersΓÇÖ privacy and even their anonymity.ΓÇ¥

    Moxie Marlinspike, the creator of Signal and CEO of the nonprofit that runs
it, describes the new payments feature as an attempt to extend SignalΓÇÖs
privacy protections to payments with the same seamless experience that Signal
has offered for encrypted conversations. ΓÇ£ThereΓÇÖs a palpable difference in
the feeling of what itΓÇÖs like to communicate over Signal, knowing youΓÇÖre not
being watched or listened to, versus other communication platforms,ΓÇ¥
Marlinspike told WIRED in an interview. ΓÇ£I would like to get to a world where
not only can you feel that when you talk to your therapist over Signal, but also
when you pay your therapist for the session over Signal.ΓÇ¥

I think this is an incredibly bad idea. ItΓÇÖs not just the bloating of what was
a clean secure communications app. ItΓÇÖs not just that blockchain is just plain
stupid. ItΓÇÖs not even that Signal is choosing to tie itself to a specific
blockchain currency. ItΓÇÖs that adding a cryptocurrency to an end-to-end
encrypted app muddies the morality of the product, and invites all sorts of
government investigative and regulatory meddling: by the IRS, the SEC, FinCEN,
and probably the FBI.

And I see no good reason to do this. Secure communications and secure
transactions can be separate apps, even separate apps from the same
organization. End-to-end encryption is already at risk. Signal is the best app
we have out there. Combining it with a cryptocurrency means that the whole
system dies if any part dies.

EDITED TO ADD: Commentary from Stephen Deihl:

    I think I speak for many technologists when I say that any bolted-on
cryptocurrency monetization scheme smells like a giant pile of rubbish and feels
enormously user-exploitative. WeΓÇÖve seen this before, after all Telegram tried
the same thing in an ICO that imploded when SEC shut them down, and Facebook
famously tried and failed to monetize WhatsApp through their
decentralized-but-not-really digital money market fund project.


    Signal is a still a great piece of software. Just do one thing and do it
well, be the trusted de facto platform for private messaging that empowers
dissidents, journalists and grandma all to communicate freely with the same
guarantees of privacy. DonΓÇÖt become a dodgy money transmitter business. This
is not the way.

EDITED TO ADD (4/14): Moxie Marlinspike is on the advisory board for MobileCoin,
which was designed for the purpose of providing a payment function in Signal.

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Google's Project Zero Finds a Nation-State Zero-Day Operation

[2021.04.08] GoogleΓÇÖs Project Zero discovered, and caused to be patched,
eleven zero-day exploits against Chrome, Safari, Microsoft Windows, and iOS.
This seems to have been exploited by ΓÇ£Western government operatives actively
conducting a counterterrorism operationΓÇ¥:

    The exploits, which went back to early 2020 and used never-before-seen
techniques, were ΓÇ£watering holeΓÇ¥ attacks that used infected websites to
deliver malware to visitors. They caught the attention of cybersecurity experts
thanks to their scale, sophistication, and speed.


    ItΓÇÖs true that Project Zero does not formally attribute hacking to
specific groups. But the Threat Analysis Group, which also worked on the
project, does perform attribution. Google omitted many more details than just
the name of the government behind the hacks, and through that information, the
teams knew internally who the hacker and targets were. It is not clear whether
Google gave advance notice to government officials that they would be
publicizing and shutting down the method of attack.

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Backdoor Added -- But Found -- in PHP

[2021.04.09] Unknown hackers attempted to add a backdoor to the PHP source code.
It was two malicious commits, with the subject ΓÇ£fix typoΓÇ¥ and the names of
known PHP developers and maintainers. They were discovered and removed before
being pushed out to any users. But since 79% of the InternetΓÇÖs websites use
PHP, itΓÇÖs scary.

Developers have moved PHP to GitHub, which has better authentication. Hopefully
it will be enough -- PHP is a juicy target.

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More Biden Cybersecurity Nominations

[2021.04.13] News:

    President Biden announced key cybersecurity leadership nominations Monday,
proposing Jen Easterly as the next head of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure
Security Agency and John ΓÇ£ChrisΓÇ¥ Inglis as the first ever national cyber
director (NCD).

I know them both, and think theyΓÇÖre both good choices.

More news.

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The FBI Is Now Securing Networks Without Their Owners' Permission

[2021.04.14] In January, we learned about a Chinese espionage campaign that
exploited four zero-days in Microsoft Exchange. One of the characteristics of
the campaign, in the later days when the Chinese probably realized that the
vulnerabilities would soon be fixed, was to install a web shell in compromised
networks that would give them subsequent remote access. Even if the
vulnerabilities were patched, the shell would remain until the network operators
removed it.

Now, months later, many of those shells are still in place. And they're being
used by criminal hackers as well.

On Tuesday, the FBI announced that it successfully received a court order to
remove "hundreds" of these web shells from networks in the US.

This is nothing short of extraordinary, and I can think of no real-world
parallel. It's kind of like if a criminal organization infiltrated a door-lock
company and surreptitiously added a master passkey feature, and then customers
bought and installed those locks. And then if the FBI got a court order to fix
all the locks to remove the master passkey capability. And it's kind of not like
that. In any case, it's not what we normally think of when we think of a
warrant. The links above have details, but I would like a legal scholar to weigh
in on the implications of this.

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Upcoming Speaking Engagements

[2021.04.14] This is a current list of where and when I am scheduled to speak:

    IΓÇÖm keynoting the (all-virtual) RSA Conference 2021, May 17-20, 2021.
    IΓÇÖm keynoting the 5th International Symposium on Cyber Security Cryptology
and Machine Learning (via Zoom), July 8-9, 2021.
    IΓÇÖll be speaking at an Informa event on September 14, 2021. Details to

The list is maintained on this page.

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Since 1998, CRYPTO-GRAM has been a free monthly newsletter providing summaries,
analyses, insights, and commentaries on security technology. To subscribe, or to
read back issues, see Crypto-Gram's web page.

You can also read these articles on my blog, Schneier on Security.

Please feel free to forward CRYPTO-GRAM, in whole or in part, to colleagues and
friends who will find it valuable. Permission is also granted to reprint
CRYPTO-GRAM, as long as it is reprinted in its entirety.

Bruce Schneier is an internationally renowned security technologist, called a
security guru by the Economist. He is the author of over one dozen books --
including his latest, We Have Root -- as well as hundreds of articles, essays,
and academic papers. His newsletter and blog are read by over 250,000 people.
Schneier is a fellow at the Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society at
Harvard University; a Lecturer in Public Policy at the Harvard Kennedy School; a
board member of the Electronic Frontier Foundation, AccessNow, and the Tor
Project; and an Advisory Board Member of the Electronic Privacy Information
Center and He is the Chief of Security Architecture at
Inrupt, Inc.

Copyright © 2021 by Bruce Schneier.

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