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Message   Arelor    August Abolins   another encrypted email solution   April 16, 2021
 3:07 AM *  

  Re: another encrypted email solution
  By: August Abolins to Arelor on Thu Apr 15 2021 05:33 pm

 >  A> I have a Tutanota account, which I created back in the day
 >  A> when they allowed it to be created anonymously over Tor. It
 >  A> is getting increasingly hard to create anonymous accounts in
 >  A> communication services.
 > I was reading up a bit more on their system, and they claim to
 > strip the IP address from the emails.  So, even if you couldn't
 > use Tor, you could still trust Tutanota wrt the IP stripping?

Even if you trust the email provider, there are reasons to tunnel your
connection trhough Tor for certain things. For example, for bypassing ISP
censorship. The Internet connection offered by inter-city Spanish buses, for 
example, blocks a lot of websites and services, so in order to access them you
have to bypass their firewall using Tor or an VPN.

I don't use disposable addresses _that much_ but I do use them _some_. It is a
very nice feature to have, specially because free disposable email addresses
are in lots of blacklists. It is hard to use Guerrilla Mail or 10 Minute Mail
for a lot of things nowadays.

I agree Startmail is a bit pricey compared to alternatives. I made an account
back in the day because I like what they are trying to do and they are very
transparent about their service architecture. They offer a document explaining
how they have it set up. As a bonus point, you can access your mailboxes using
standard protocols (something Tutanota, and afaikl Protonmail, fail to do).

They have a 7 days trial period. And if you get invited by an existing user you
get 50% off the first year I think.

BTW, you just don't use clearnet services from clearnet endpoints when doing
darknet stuff. It is just not done. It defeats the point.

You are welcome to send me a shared secret (aka stupid password) over
email/openpgp, so we can start exchanging protonmail/secured, lockbin/secured
and startmail/secured messages for testing.

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 * Origin: Palantir * * Pensacola, FL * (618:250/24)
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