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Message   Arelor    August Abolins   New project   February 26, 2021
 7:27 PM *  

  Re: New project
  By: August Abolins to Sean Dennis on Fri Feb 26 2021 05:30 pm

 > Hello Sean Dennis!
 > ** On Friday 26.02.21 - 16:23, Sean Dennis wrote to Arelor:
 >  SD> I was digging around the shack the other day and found an
 >  SD> unused WD 2TB hard drive.  I guess the file server was
 >  SD> meant to be. :P
 > The phrase "unused WD 2TB drive" is a shocker.  Had you upgraded
 > to using 4TB or 8TB units?   Must be nice to have unused 2TB
 > drive.
 > I'm still putzing along with two 250GB 3.5" external drives, a
 > handful of aging thumbdrives of 1GB to 64GB capacity, and each
 > everyone is filled with "important" stuff, and that's it.
 > --
 >   ../|ug

Then wait until you hear "Unused Server".

I have some servers from work that I was given because they needed replacement
and they didn  know
what to do with the old ones. They are dusty and a hard sell so they just told
me to take them

They are old, noisy and bulky units, so I am not runnig them, but I keep them in
my wardrobe
because you never know when you are going to need a spare.

--- SBBSecho 3.12-Linux
 * Origin: Palantir * * Pensacola, FL * (618:250/24)
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