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Message   Arelor    Sean Dennis   New project   February 25, 2021
 2:42 AM *  

  Re: New project
  By: Sean Dennis to All on Wed Feb 24 2021 03:26 pm

 > Hello, All!
 > I am going to be setting up OpenMediaVault for a file server here at home for
use for BBS backup as well as to quit scatteri
 > files over six external USB hard drives.  Has anyone used OMV before?
 > Later,
 > Sean

Not me.

When I was looking into building a home NAS I started researching FreeNAS
builds. I think FreeNAS would be worth it if just
because they use ZFS as a filesystem/drive-array controller natively instead of
Linux bolted-on solution. Not that I think a
Linux solution won't work.

I finally settled for OpenBSD storage. OpenBSD is far from great for pure
storage, but I am running a ton of services from that
computer anyway in addition to file storage, so...

--- SBBSecho 3.12-Linux
 * Origin: Palantir * * Pensacola, FL * (618:250/24)
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