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Message   Sean Dennis    Richard Falken   Re: BunsenLabs Linux   June 4, 2020
 12:18 PM *  

-=> Richard Falken wrote to Sean Dennis <=-

 RF> I don't care for fancy political statements like those of other
 RF> distributions, having the last version of everything, and
 RF> having rapid-fire releases. There are other distributions
 RF> for that. However, if you can't see why communication
 RF> problems have been hurting the distribution as a tool in
 RF> these two decades I can't really help you there.

I've never had a problem with knowing what's going on with Slackware.  I
monitor the daily changelogs at if I need it or I get on the
official forum and ask the dev team for an update if they haven't given one

I really don't care, TBH, about when the next release is.  It will happen
when Pat and Co. are ready.  I check for updates weekly and do subscribe to
the Slackware security reflector so I get important stuff.  Good enough for
me. :)


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