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Message   Sean Dennis    August Abolins   Re: No more 80 columns..   June 4, 2020
 12:15 PM *  

-=> August Abolins wrote to Sean Dennis <=-

 AA> An 80-char width is more confortable to read than something twice as
 AA> wide for example.  In programming I'd always scale down the width of a
 AA> window and let the code wrap.  For reading documents, books, etc..
 AA> wider lines would get uncomfortable, fast.

It's mainly for programmers.  They whine and complain about it.  It's just
feature creep into the kernel.  You can't tell Linus anything he doesn't
know already (he is infamous for his temper).

 AA> Heheheh.. BBSing doesn't have a problem with that!  LOL

No and I don't expect anyone in the Linux developer team to know that.  I
just posted that here because I thought it was funny that people actually
were whining about that.


... Any simple theory will be worded in the most complicated way.
___ MultiMail/Linux v0.52

--- Maximus/2 3.01
 * Origin: Micronet World HQ - (618:618/1)
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