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Message   Sean Dennis    All   Office 365 Security   June 1, 2020
 8:56 PM *  

                              Alert (AA20-120A)

Microsoft Office 365 Security Recommendations

   Original release date: April 29, 2020


   As organizations adapt or change their enterprise collaboration
   capabilities to meet "telework" requirements, many organizations are
   migrating to Microsoft Office 365 (O365) and other cloud collaboration
   services. Due to the speed of these deployments, organizations may not be
   fully considering the security configurations of these platforms.

   This Alert is an update to the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security
   Agency's May 2019 Analysis Report, [30]AR19-133A: Microsoft Office 365
   Security Observations, and reiterates the recommendations related to O365
   for organizations to review and ensure their newly adopted environment is
   configured to protect, detect, and respond against would be attackers of

  Technical Details

   Since October 2018, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency
   (CISA) has conducted several engagements with customers who have migrated
   to cloud-based collaboration solutions like O365. In recent weeks,
   organizations have been forced to change their collaboration methods to
   support a full "work from home" workforce.

   O365 provides cloud-based email capabilities, as well as chat and video
   capabilities using Microsoft Teams. While the abrupt shift to
   work-from-home may necessitate rapid deployment of cloud collaboration
   services, such as O365, hasty deployment can lead to oversights in
   security configurations and undermine a sound O365-specific security

   CISA continues to see instances where entities are not implementing best
   security practices in regard to their O365 implementation, resulting in
   increased vulnerability to adversary attacks.


   The following list contains recommended configurations when deploying

   Enable multi-factor authentication for administrator accounts: Azure
   Active Directory (AD) Global Administrators in an O365 environment have
   the highest level of administrator privileges at the tenant level. This is
   equivalent to the Domain Administrator in an on-premises AD environment.
   The Azure AD Global Administrators are the first accounts created so that
   administrators can begin configuring their tenant and eventually migrate
   their users. Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is not enabled by default
   for these accounts. Microsoft has moved towards a "Secure by default"
   model, but even this must be enabled by the customer. The new feature,
   called "Security Defaults,"[31][1] assists with enforcing administrators'
   usage of MFA. These accounts are internet accessible because they are
   hosted in the cloud. If not immediately secured, an attacker can
   compromise these cloud-based accounts and maintain persistence as a
   customer migrates users to O365.

   Assign Administrator roles using Role-based Access Control (RBAC): Given
   its high level of default privilege, you should only use the Global
   Administrator account when absolutely necessary. Instead, using Azure AD's
   numerous other built-in administrator roles instead of the Global
   Administrator account can limit assigning of overly permissive privileges
   to legitimate administrators.[32][2] Practicing the principle of "Least
   Privilege" can greatly reduce the impact if an administrator account is
   compromised.[33][3] Always assign administrators only the minimum
   permissions they need to do conduct their tasks.  

   Enable Unified Audit Log (UAL): O365 has a logging capability called the
   Unified Audit Log that contains events from Exchange Online, SharePoint
   Online, OneDrive, Azure AD, Microsoft Teams, PowerBI, and other O365
   services.[34][4] An administrator must enable the Unified Audit Log in the
   Security and Compliance Center before queries can be run. Enabling UAL
   allows administrators the ability to investigate and search for actions
   within O365 that could be potentially malicious or not within
   organizational policy.

   Enable multi-factor authentication for all users: Though normal users in
   an O365 environment do not have elevated permissions, they still have
   access to data that could be harmful to an organization if accessed by an
   unauthorized entity. Also, threat actors compromise normal user accounts
   in order to send phishing emails and attack other organizations using the
   apps and services the compromised user has access to.

   Disable legacy protocol authentication when appropriate: Azure AD is the
   authentication method that O365 uses to authenticate with Exchange Online,
   which provides email services. There are a number of legacy protocols
   associated with Exchange Online that do not support MFA features. These
   protocols include Post Office Protocol (POP3), Internet Message Access
   Protocol (IMAP), and Simple Mail Transport Protocol (SMTP). Legacy
   protocols are often used with older email clients, which do not support
   modern authentication. Legacy protocols can be disabled at the tenant
   level or at the user level. However, should an organization require older
   email clients as a business necessity, these protocols will presumably not
   be disabled. This leaves email accounts accessible through the internet
   with only the username and password as the primary authentication method.
   One approach to mitigate this issue is to inventory users who still
   require the use of a legacy email client and legacy email protocols and
   only grant access to those protocols for those select users. Using Azure
   AD Conditional Access policies can help limit the number of users who have
   the ability to use legacy protocol authentication methods. Taking this
   step will greatly reduce an organization's attack surface.[35][5]

   Enable alerts for suspicious activity: Enabling logging of activity within
   an Azure/0365 environment can greatly increase the owner's effectiveness
   of identifying malicious activity occurring within their environment and
   enabling alerts will serve to enhance that. Creating and enabling alerts
   within the Security and Compliance Center to notify administrators of
   abnormal events will reduce the time needed to effectively identify and
   mitigate malicious activity.[36][6] At a minimum, CISA recommends enabling
   alerts for logins from suspicious locations and for accounts exceeding
   sent email thresholds.

   Incorporate Microsoft Secure Score: Microsoft provides a built-in tool to
   measure an organization's security posture with respect to its O365
   services and offer enhancement recommendations.[37][7] These
   recommendations provided by Microsoft Secure Score do NOT encompass all
   possible security configurations, but organizations should still consider
   using Microsoft Secure Score because O365 service offerings frequently
   change. Using Microsoft Secure Score will help provide organizations a
   centralized dashboard for tracking and prioritizing security and
   compliance changes within O365.

   Integrate Logs with your existing SIEM tool: Even with robust logging
   enabled via the UAL, it is critical to integrate and correlate your O365
   logs with your other log management and monitoring solutions. This will
   ensure that you can detect anomalous activity in your environment and
   correlate it with any potential anomalous activity in O365.[38][8]

  Solution Summary

   CISA encourages organizations to implement an organizational cloud
   strategy to protect their infrastructure assets by defending against
   attacks related to their O365 transition and better securing O365
   services.[39][9] Specifically, CISA recommends that administrators
   implement the following mitigations and best practices:

     * Use multi-factor authentication. This is the best mitigation technique
       to protect against credential theft for O365 administrators and users.
     * Protect Global Admins from compromise and use the principle of "Least
     * Enable unified audit logging in the Security and Compliance Center.
     * Enable Alerting capabilities.
     * Integrate with organizational SIEM solutions.
     * Disable legacy email protocols, if not required, or limit their use to
       specific users.



   [40][1] Azure AD Security Defaults
   [41][2] Azure AD Administrator roles
   [42][3] Protect Global Admins
   [43][4] Unified audit log
   [44][5] Block Office 365 Legacy Email Authentication Protocols
   [45][6] Alert policies in the security and compliance center
   [46][7] Microsoft Secure Score
   [47][8] SIEM integration with Office 365 Advanced Threat Protection
   [48][9] Microsoft 365 security best practices


   April 29, 2020: Initial Version

   This product is provided subject to this [49]Notification and this
   [50]Privacy & Use policy.


   CISA is part of the [84]Department of Homeland Security

5. Image:

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