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Message   Sean Dennis    Kurt Weiske   Re: BunsenLabs Linux   June 1, 2020
 4:01 PM *  

-=> Kurt Weiske wrote to Sean Dennis <=-

 KW> Comes in 64-bit, 32-bit, and 32-bit without PAE for even older systems
 KW> like Crunchbang did. (My old Thinkpad T42 suppported PAE but didn't
 KW> report it to the Linux Kernel, so most modern distros wouldn't install
 KW> without some jiggery.)

I'll definitely take a look.  I'm back running Slackware 64 again after a
short stint running Devuan.  It was the dependency hell that kept getting me
and the lack of desire to learn the init system ... so I went back.  Now
Slackware does have several packaging systems to use, most notably
SlackBuilds which is a scripting system the Slackware BDFL developed. 
However, if you use sbopkg, a nice little program to deal with third-party
SlackBuilds at, it doesn't do depedency tracking to install

There's this great little heretical (to the Slackware Philosophy) bash
script called sbodeps which uses sbopkg but it can do dependency resolution
which is nice when you try to build SpamAssassin and its 47+ dependencies or
my favorite time-waster, Frozen Bubble, which has 30-something Perl

I will definitely take a look at it BunsenLabs though!

___ MultiMail/Linux v0.52

--- Maximus/2 3.01
 * Origin: Micronet World HQ - (618:618/1)
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