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Message   Kevin Nunn    Kurt Weiske   Re: Thinkpads   March 21, 2017
 9:36 PM *  

-=> Kurt Weiske wrote to Kevin Nunn <=-

 KW> If you're handy with computers, Thinkpad T4Xs are nice to work on.
 KW> Parts are cheap, IBM has great hardware service guides online, and they
 KW> even mark which screws go where on the back.

Thanks is good to know! I've worked with IBM systems since 1980, so I
know they can be very reliable. And I am looking forward to messing
more with the T43.

 KW> you'll need to patch the system - IBM only wanted you to use certain
 KW> cards. There's a bootable CD called no-1802 (after the error message)
I read that about hard drives too, it seems you need to update the BIOS
if you want to run any HD other than those "approved" by IBM for the
Thinkpad, or atleast that is how I understood it. 

 KW> The thinkwiki has lots of information, too.
I found that today, great resource! 


... Gone crazy, be back later, please leave message.
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