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Message   Mark Hofmann    Nelgin   Re: How are you helping others?   April 12, 2020
 12:54 PM *  

N> I work from home anyway, have done for 8 years so this is nothing new. VPN
N> to the office then either telnet, rdp or Citrix into the destination where
N> I want to go. I have my work laptop so all the tools I use daily are there
N> such as jabber, outlook and whatever.

We have had the ability to work remote and many of us had been doing it here and
there for years.  Now it is almost always remote right now.  Still go in if we
need to do something physically, but limiting it as much as possible.

N> As far as helping others in my faily life, my wife and I have been
N> ordering a lot of food to go and leaving larger tips than usual. We prefer
N> to support local businesses rather than the chains though.

Same here, only buying stuff from small business even if it is more expensive.

- Mark

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