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Message   Kurt Weiske    Mark Hofmann   Re: How are you helping others?   April 11, 2020
 2:33 PM *  

-=> Mark Hofmann wrote to Kurt Weiske <=-

 MH> I have daily team meetings where we all get on a Teams video/audio
 MH> meeting.  We use the same room for chats between each other.  Anything
 MH> to cut down on the ridiculous amount of emails I get.

I almost prefer emails to the multitude of Slack channels. I'd gotten really 
good at applying "Getting Things Done" workflows in email. Receive an email, 
and if I could do it in 2 minutes, do it then. Otherwise, put it into 
context-based folders for review. If it's something that one of my reports 
needs to do, it goes in their folder. Projects have their own folder.

Now, with Slack, I have one thread that's my boss, one that's my boss and 
one other person, another that's my boss, and two different threads with 
other people... Then, a couple of channels to watch, too...

... Would you like to wake up from this dream?
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