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Message   Don Lowery    Sean Dennis   Re: Back to OS/2...   April 8, 2020
 4:38 PM *  

 SD> It is Links2 that has a graphics mode by default.  Links has to be built
 SD> specifically to use graphics.

Put Links2 & Lynx on the 4.52 image you provided. When the pages loaded up on
Links2 faster than in Firefox on 10...surprised me. just find time
to get another copy of it over on the Lenovo box.

 SD>  DL> hand...loved BootStrap in what it was capable of. Had no problem with
 SD>  DL> HTML/CSS...but Javascript ate my lunch & couldn't get too
 SD> Take a look at the code I use in the header of my webpages.  HTML 5
 SD> makes it real easy to support mobile browsers.  I don't know JS and am
 SD> not planning on learning it either.

Both of us are in the same boat with JS. With CSS/HTML...making some of those
projects gave me the same feeling almost like the wife giving birth to a new
born. Wanted to show it off to everyone & brag about what I had done...with
everything working but the JS.

 SD>  DL> Liked being able to know where to update your doors.
 SD> I don't know if you know or not but when I update or create software, I
 SD> hatch it out in MIN_MISC so you should get a copy of it automatically if
 SD> you're set up to receive the Micronet filebones.  I admit that's why I

Forgot about that...with everything else going on right now. This stupid
virus...setting up OS/2 to host the BBS & working different schedules without
getting enough sleep. With the stores closing on Sunday nationwide...that's
another day off for a total of 3 in a row.

 SD>  DL> this...would only have to setup D'Bridge & can do away with another
 SD>  DL> piece of software.
 SD> It has to do when you send inter-zone mail.  FE strips the seen-by
 SD> kludge lines when it's not supposed to making mail just disappear. 
 SD> Andrew Leary can explain it better than I can.

Found a ton of dox last night on setting up TG with Squish/JAM...*.CMD files
to use. Must have spent an hour printing them off...while having Father Brown
on BritBox to keep me company.

As long as I can export *.BBS files out from whatever program...that will
save a ton of work in the future.

 SD> I have talked with Nick about not only Squish/JAM support but directly
 SD> supporting Spitfire BBS's native message base format (I am a registered
 SD> Spitfire BBS sysop).  I've also talked to Nick about a native OS/2

That would be KEWL!!! Never ran Spitfire...but I remember it being 1 of the
big ones back in the day.

 SD> version but that would mean a massive rewrite of DB ... not something
 SD> I'd want to force on him but if it did happen, I'd switch to DB here.

I have DB running under ArcaOS. Whether or not it's totally does
have support for it & runs very well.

 SD>  DL> The reason to look at TG was if Mystic is ever out with an OS/2
 SD>  DL> version...would just copy the stuff over & act like nothing was
 SD>  DL> changed.
 SD> I swear he put out a beta OS/2 version recently ... I thought he
 SD> announced it in BBS_CARNIVAL.  I checked my message base and couldn't

He put out a preview version. The MUTIL/MIS stuff was missing...but the file
base worked on it. For something he put out with the easy parts
looked fantastic. 

ACME BBS-Member of fsxNet/WWIVNet/SciNet/AmigaNet/VKRadio/FidoNet/MicroNet.

--- Mystic BBS v1.12 A46 2020/03/18 (Windows/32)
 * Origin: ACME BBS-W.Coyote & D.Brown are our best users.  (618:300/32)
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