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Message   Sean Dennis    Don Lowery   Back to OS/2...   April 8, 2020
 4:26 PM *  

Hello Don.

07 Apr 20 19:56, you wrote to me:

 DL> If I remember had no problems with HTML 5 sites. Am going
 DL> to go grab a copy of it to use...rather than FireFox/SeaMonkey. Just
 DL> like getting my info I need...rather than load up pretty
 DL> pix.

It is Links2 that has a graphics mode by default.  Links has to be built
specifically to use graphics.

 DL> Did some website design a year or so ago...but not seeing a future in
 DL> it...just blew it off. Mentioning the mobile browsers...that was one
 DL> of the hardest things to get working correctly. On the other
 DL> hand...loved BootStrap in what it was capable of. Had no problem with
 DL> HTML/CSS...but Javascript ate my lunch & couldn't get too
 DL> matter what book/class I would use.

Take a look at the code I use in the header of my webpages.  HTML 5 makes it
real easy to support mobile browsers.  I don't know JS and am not planning on
learning it either.

 DL> Liked being able to know where to update your doors.

I don't know if you know or not but when I update or create software, I hatch it
out in MIN_MISC so you should get a copy of it automatically if you're set up to
receive the Micronet filebones.  I admit that's why I created MIN_MISC when I
started Micronet; it was another avenue to hatch out my doors because I didn't
trust and still don't completely trust the Fidonet filebone system.

 DL> WOW...hadn't come across that being mentioned. Have D'Bridge setup as
 DL> a mailer to pass on my packets to FE. Have talked to Nick & he's
 DL> talking about adding Squish/JAM support to D'Bridge with being at home
 DL> & been asked for it several times by different people. He does
 DL> this...would only have to setup D'Bridge & can do away with another
 DL> piece of software.

It has to do when you send inter-zone mail.  FE strips the seen-by kludge lines
when it's not supposed to making mail just disappear.  Andrew Leary can explain
it better than I can.

I have talked with Nick about not only Squish/JAM support but directly
supporting Spitfire BBS's native message base format (I am a registered Spitfire
BBS sysop).  I've also talked to Nick about a native OS/2 version but that would
mean a massive rewrite of DB ... not something I'd want to force on him but if
it did happen, I'd switch to DB here.

 DL> The reason to look at TG was if Mystic is ever out with an OS/2
 DL> version...would just copy the stuff over & act like nothing was
 DL> changed.

I swear he put out a beta OS/2 version recently ... I thought he announced it in
BBS_CARNIVAL.  I checked my message base and couldn't find it.  Checked his
website and it's not there either.

 DL> One good thing...the CEO of the company just mentioned they are
 DL> closing all stores for Easter day. Very unusual...since the only days
 DL> previously have been Thanksgiving/Xmas.

That's nice. :)

 DL> Thanks again for all the help.

Sure thing.  Glad to put all of these years tinkering to good use. :D


--- GoldED/2 3.0.1
 * Origin: Micronet World HQ - (618:618/1)
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