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Message   Don Lowery    Sean Dennis   Re: Back to OS/2...   April 7, 2020
 7:56 PM *  

 SD>  DL> the rest of the hair off my head. ;D Believe it was Links.
 SD> Yes, Links has a GUI mode.  It's actually really fast. :)

If I remember had no problems with HTML 5 sites. Am going to go
grab a copy of it to use...rather than FireFox/SeaMonkey. Just like getting my info I need...rather than load up pretty pix.

 SD> are for information and not pretty graphics.  Also, try looking at my
 SD> websites through your phone.  They're all designed to fit within a
 SD> mobile browser's window.

Did some website design a year or so ago...but not seeing a future in
it...just blew it off. Mentioning the mobile browsers...that was one of the
hardest things to get working correctly. On the other hand...loved BootStrap
in what it was capable of. Had no problem with HTML/CSS...but Javascript ate
my lunch & couldn't get too matter what book/class I would use.

 SD>  DL> wasn't a door. Was looking for some OS/2 software you might have
 SD>  DL> posted.
 SD> I don't have anything on my Cheepware site that I didn't write except
 SD> for a few utilities I released for friends via my filebone(s).

Liked being able to know where to update your doors.

 SD>  DL> Am setting up FastEcho by going through the manual to set up the
 SD>  DL> software to toss into Telegard with JAM bases. Have sent the author
 SD> key years ago...I'd -LOVE- to use FE but it has a nasty bug in it
 SD> concerning Binkley-style outbounds that has never been fixed.  If I was
 SD> running an ARCmail-style mailer (a la FrontDoor), I'd be using FE in a
 SD> heartbeat.

WOW...hadn't come across that being mentioned. Have D'Bridge setup as a
mailer to pass on my packets to FE. Have talked to Nick & he's talking about
adding Squish/JAM support to D'Bridge with being at home & been asked for it
several times by different people. He does this...would only have to setup
D'Bridge & can do away with another piece of software.

Looked at FMail...but it doesn't handle netmail. One way I have thought about
getting around this is setting up Squish to handle the netmail...since I
don't get much of it...unlike echoes.

 SD> Remember that TG doesn't support *.MSG for netmail so you'll have to
 SD> gate it for utilities (I was a TG/2 beta tester; look for me in the docs
 SD> as "hausmaus";).

NICE! Am printing out the dox...after I convert them to *.PDF format to be
able to print a double-sided manual.

The reason to look at TG was if Mystic is ever out with an OS/2
version...would just copy the stuff over & act like nothing was changed. 

One good thing...the CEO of the company just mentioned they are closing all
stores for Easter day. Very unusual...since the only days previously have
been Thanksgiving/Xmas.

Thanks again for all the help.

ACME BBS-Member of fsxNet/WWIVNet/SciNet/AmigaNet/VKRadio/FidoNet/MicroNet.

--- Mystic BBS v1.12 A46 2020/03/18 (Windows/32)
 * Origin: ACME BBS-W.Coyote & D.Brown are our best users.  (618:300/32)
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