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Message   Kurt Weiske    All   Back to OS/2...   April 2, 2020
 5:21 PM *  

I ran OS/2. A lot. 

At work, I started with OS/2 1.2 and 1.3 in a MS Lan Manager and AS/400
environment - totally shocked at what I could do with a 386/25 and 8 MB of RAM.
We ran a store WAN system that communicated over dialup and X.25, supporting 16
dialup modems on similar hardware.

At another job, I was managing Netware servers, and was running OS/2 3.0 - I
could set up DOS VDMs and run all of my admin apps in multiple windows with a
hiccup. I could get almost a full 640K of memory, or use the DOS drivers in a

I ran my BBS under OS/2 for several years - running Maximus, BinkleyTerm and
Squish for OS/2.

I was a telecom manager in a former life, and for a decade or more, almost every
standalone voicemail or auto-attendant/call center server was running OS/2.
Ditto for a handful of companies that had Notes installations I'd inherited -
they ran on OS/2.

I just fired up OS/2 in Virtualbox for the first time since 2002 or so. I'd
forgotten how much I liked the feel - primitive UI, but it could do a lot. It
still made sense.

I should find my old Microsoft Word and Excel for OS/2 disks.   :)

What's a recent web browser that'll run on Warp 4?
--- SBBSecho 3.09-Win32
 * Origin: (618:300/1)
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