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Message   Nick Andre    Sean Dennis   Re: Goodbye W10 1809   February 15, 2020
 3:15 AM *  

On 14 Feb 20  09:59:02, Sean Dennis said the following to All:

SD>    Microsoft has confirmed that the ill-fated Windows 10 1809 update
SD>    has just three months left to live.

I'm really losing my fondness/preference for Microsoft with the direction 
Windows has taken. Its just so freaking off the rails its sad. It used to be 
an OS that generally stayed out of the way and ran your programs. Now it has 
morphed into something with three distinctly different GUI styles glued 
together and the personifying-language it uses drives me batshit. "We" are 
installing updates. "We" are updating your system. "We" are restarting your 
computer. I wish Windows would speak like *Windows* and not Jerry Seinfeld.

I manage a few VPS's on the newer Windows Server 2016/2019 which is 
essentially Windows 10 and its such a freaking challenge to keep updated
correctly... if updates even install at all.

My home setup on Windows prior to the 10 crap works perfectly... the BBS in
particular you know has ran for a lonnnnnnnng time with zero problems, other 
than for some reason Net2BBS inexplicably stopped working and I had to resort 
to Zoob Telnet server to pass stuff to the DOS sessions.

I outright refuse to upgrade Windows any further, in fact the BBS 
environment cannot be upgraded and Linux is out of the question. OS/2 may be a
possibility but I suspect a fair amount of rewriting scripts for Rexx.


--- Renegade vY2Ka2
 * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (618:500/24)
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