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Message   Sean Dennis    All   Goodbye W10 1809   February 14, 2020
 9:59 AM *  


  It's official: In May, Microsoft will close the door, lock the vault,
            brick over the entrance of dreaded Windows 10 1809

Now let us never speak of this again

   Microsoft has confirmed that the ill-fated Windows 10 1809 update
   has just three months left to live.

   On Wednesday, Redmond issued an official notice that, as of May 12,
   2020, the error-prone "Update of the Damned" will stop receiving
   upgrades, and holdouts still using the operating system version, for
   some reason, will be advised to move to at least the November 2019
   build of the operating system.

   This will impact the following editions of Windows 10 1809: Pro,
   Home, Pro for Education, Pro for Workstations, and IoT Core. (Time's
   up for enterprise builds in May 2021.)

   "These editions will no longer receive security updates after May
   12, 2020," Microsoft explained. "Customers who contact Microsoft
   Support after this date will be directed to update their device to
   the latest version of Windows 10 to remain supported."

Another Windows 10 build sneaks out amid all the foldable fandango

   The announcement is not entirely unexpected. Back in December,
   Microsoft listed May as the likely end of life date for the update
   when it posted its plans for updates in the coming year. Holdouts
   have in recent months been getting the nudge to move on to the new
   build: not that the sane should need much in the way of prodding to
   do so.

   Emitted in October 2018 after seeing its release fast-tracked by
   Microsoft, the 1809 build was almost immediately beset with problems
   that were caused all manner of chaos from disappearing files to BSOD

   The entire affair was such a mess that it led to something of an
   existential crisis for the Windows team. It was only after five
   months of ironing out bugs that the release was deemed to be stable
   enough for business use, and it was quickly supplanted by the far
   more reliable Fall 2019 update.

   Suffice to say, this is one episode in the Windows 10 saga that
   Microsoft will be more than happy to turn the page on once and for
   all come May 12. (R)


... WinErr 010: Reserved for future mistakes by our developers
___ MultiMail/Linux v0.52

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