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Message   Sean Dennis    All   Oops!   February 14, 2020
 9:57 AM *  

[ All I have to say is "LOL" ... -- Sean ]


Internet's safe-keepers forced to postpone crucial DNSSEC root key signing
  ceremony - no, not a hacker attack, but because they can't open a safe

Online security process stalled by offline security screw-up

   By Kieren McCarthy in San Francisco 13 Feb 2020 at 06:09

   The organization that keeps the internet running behind-the-scenes
   was forced to delay an important update to the global network -
   because it was locked out of one of its own safes.

   "During routine administrative maintenance of our Key Management
   Facility on 11 February, we identified an equipment malfunction,"
   explained Kim Davies, the head of the Internet Assigned Numbers
   Authority (IANA), in an email to the dozen or so people expected to
   attend a quarterly ceremony in southern California at lunchtime on

   The malfunction "will prevent us from successfully conducting the
   ceremony as originally scheduled" on February 12, Davis explained.
   "The issue disables access to one of the secure safes that contains
   material for the ceremony." In other words, IANA locked itself out.

   The ceremony sees several trusted internet engineers (a minimum of
   three and up to seven) from across the world descend on one of two
   secure locations - one in El Segundo, California, just south of Los
   Angeles, and the other in Culpeper, Virginia - both in America,
   every three months.

   Once in place, they run through a lengthy series of steps and checks
   to cryptographically sign the digital key pairs used to secure the
   internet's root zone. (Here's Cloudflare's in-depth explanation, and
   IANA's PDF step-by-step guide.)

   At the heart of the matter, simply put, is the Key Signing Key
   (KSK): this is a public-private key pair, with the private portion
   kept locked away by IANA. This is because the KSK is used, every
   three months, to sign a set of Zone Signing Keys, which are used to
   secure official copies of the internet's root zone file. That file
   acts as a kind of directory for other parts of the internet, and
   these parts in turn, provide information on more of the internet. It
   is, in a way, the blueprint for how the internet as we know it is
   glued together: how domain names resolve to computers on the global
   network, so that when you visit, say,, you
   eventually reach one of our servers at network address

   Critical root DNS servers are spread out around the planet, each
   armed with a copy of the latest signed root zone file, and used, in
   a distributed, cascading manner, by other DNS servers to look up
   domain names for the internet's users. These servers can check the
   root zone file underpinning all of this is secured by a ZSK recently
   signed by the central IANA KSK, and thus can be treated and trusted
   as gospel. The KSK is thus the domain-name system's trust anchor.
   Everything relies on it to ensure the 'net's central directory is
   laid out the way it should be, according to IANA, anyway.

   This is all necessary because it should be immediately obvious
   whether or not a root zone file is an unsigned forgery, or an
   authentic and clean copy secured by IANA's KSK. Otherwise, a
   well-resourced malicious organization could potentially fool
   networks into using a sabotaged root zone file that redirects vast
   quantities of traffic, i.e. billions of internet users, to different
   parts of the internet. Even worse, if someone were to get hold of
   the KSK, they could sign their own zone file and have the internet
   blindly trust it. The result would be a global loss of trust in the
   'net's functioning.

  Security up the wazoo

   For that reason, IANA takes its Root Key Signing Key Ceremony
   extremely seriously, and has a complex and somewhat convoluted
   DNSSEC-based process that briefly unlocks the private portion of the
   KSK to sign the ZSKs every three months. Only during this ceremony
   is the KSK used, and put away again when it is over, leaving IANA
   with a set of ZSKs to authoritatively secure its root zone.

   Only specific named people are allowed to take part in the ceremony,
   and they have to pass through several layers of security - including
   doors that can only be opened through fingerprint and retinal scans
   - before getting in the room where the ceremony takes place.

   Staff open up two safes, each roughly one-metre across. One contains
   a hardware security module that contains the private portion of the
   KSK. The module is activated, allowing the KSK private key to sign
   keys, using smart cards assigned to the ceremony participants. These
   credentials are stored in deposit boxes and tamper-proof bags in the
   second safe. Each step is checked by everyone else, and the event is
   livestreamed. Once the ceremony is complete - which takes a few
   hours - all the pieces are separated, sealed, and put back in the
   safes inside the secure facility, and everyone leaves.

   Arguing over a contract

   But during what was apparently a check on the system on Tuesday
   night - the day before the ceremony planned for 1300 PST (2100 UTC)
   Wednesday - IANA staff discovered that they couldn't open one of the
   two safes. One of the locking mechanisms wouldn't retract and so the
   safe stayed stubbornly shut.

   As soon as they discovered the problem, everyone involved, including
   those who had flown in for the occasion, were told that the ceremony
   was being postponed. Thanks to the complexity of the problem - a
   jammed safe with critical and sensitive equipment inside - they were
   told it wasn't going to be possible to hold the ceremony on the
   back-up date of Thursday, either.

   We understand, however, that following an emergency meeting on
   Wednesday, the issue should be fixed by Friday, and the ceremony has
   now been moved to Saturday. In the meantime, some lucky locksmith in
   Los Angeles is going to have to drill out the safe's locking
   mechanism and put in a new one.

   Fortunately, apart from the inconvenience, there is no impact on the
   internet itself, particularly in this short term. The current
   arrangement will simply continue to do its job for three additional
   days. And IANA has been keen to point out that it has an identical
   set of equipment on the other coast of the US that can also be used
   if necessary.

   "We apologize for the inconvenience for the attendees who had
   already traveled to participate in the ceremony. This is the first
   time a ceremony has needed to be rescheduled in the 10-year history
   of KSK management," the email announcing the delay noted.

   There is a certain irony, of course, that the security of the
   virtual internet has been held hostage by an old-school physical
   safe. (R)


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