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Message   Sean Dennis    Deon George   Re: DOS under RPi   January 15, 2020
 10:04 AM *  

[ Deon George wrote to Sean Dennis ]

 DG> I've used QEMU and it worked fine - and retro slow too...
 DG> (none of those RTE200 errors)...

Devuan has a prepackaged ... package for QEMU as well as one for FreeDOS.

 DG> Only tricky if you looking at doing binary file transfers -
 DG> zmodem times out because the network is too fast (and it
 DG> takes too long to drain the TCP window for an ACK to get
 DG> triggered).

I knew Chuck Forsberg personally and he always told me not to use ZModem
over telnet as it was not designed for use with TCP/IP.  You just said what
he said paraphrased: there's too many timing issues with it.  He recommended
YModem (which I use on my own system) or YModem-G.

I used to drive past Chuck's house when I lived outside of Portland, Oregon
in the 90s every day. :D  He lived on Sauvie Island, just north of Portland
in the Columbia River.


... Lack of money is the root of all evil. - George Bernard Shaw
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