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Message   Daryl Stout    SEAN DENNIS   Re: Sigh   January 13, 2020
 1:58 AM *  


SD> DS>   I do likewise with's where I left it, but I can't remember
SD> DS> where that was. :P

SD>It's never lost, just temporarily misplaced.

  Of all the things I've lost...I miss my mind the most. <G>

SD>I did find two of my RPis last night ... right where I suspected they

  Good for you. I can relate to the joke where one thinks they're going
blind. Every time I look into my wallet, the money I put in there is
gone. :P

SD>A Raspberry Pi computer is a small, credit-card sized computer that uses
SD>It was originally designed to allow children in Africa to have a
SD>computer cheaply.  Pis run Linux, specifically Raspberian, a custom spin
SD>of Debian Linux.  Other Linux distros run on them, of course, and I have
SD>Devuan Linux set up to run off of a SD card.  My newest one, a RPi 3 B+,
SD>is going to become my shack computer.

  I know a lot of hams use that in their shacks with the digital modes.

SD>The RPi was the pioneer in this class of computer and there's a lot of
SD>knockoffs but the RPi is still the class leader.

SD>More info at

  There is a net on D-Star that talks about the RPi...I want to say it's
on Mondays at 9pm Central Time, but I'd have to look at the net list I
have to be sure.

SD>... I haven't lost my mind; it's backed up on tape somewhere!

  I used to have a Colorado Tape Drive years ago.


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