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Message   digimaus    Shurato   Re: pfsense and ftp servers...   September 5, 2024
 12:27 AM *  

Shurato wrote to All:
S> Error:
S> Server sent passive reply with unroutable address. Passive mode failed.

That is because behind your firewall, you need to turn passive mode OFF (aka
"active mode";) to use your FTP server.  Passive is meant to allow poeople to
connect your NAT firewall to your FTP server.  What passive mode does is
reverse the roles--your computer becomes the server and the FTP servwer
becomes the client--and yoiu do not need that -behind- your firewall.

pfSense has the built-in "FTP" role in its port forwarding setup and it will
handle both FTP ports--FTP uses ports 20 and 21--for you.

Your friend is having the same exact issue.

Both of you sorely need to read up on what you're doing wrong.  The answers
are out there and you need to find them.

All of the questions you're asking about  can be easily solved by a simple
Web search.  You seem to not to want to look up the answers yourself.

I still can spend hours looking for arcane knowledge I need to fix something
on my BBS.  A lot of your questions are found in "Networking 101".

Before you go any farther, read this:

You'll understand better why your FTP server is not working.

I promise this all is not a "black box": everything you're experiencing is
from a lack of experience and knowledge.

It is very easy to do what you're doing with a little time spent researching
and gaining knowledge.

Now you've reminded me I need to finish setting up my FTP server.  Not from
a lack of knowledge but more from being lazy. XD

-- digi


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