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Message   Jas Hud    T.J. Mcmillen   Re: pfsense...   September 4, 2024
 6:52 AM *  

  To: T.J. Mcmillen
  Re: Re: pfsense...
  By: T.J. Mcmillen to Digimaus on Tue Sep 03 2024 08:09 pm

 > From Newsgroup: micronet.comp
 > D> It's sad that almost all of these attacks are just with scripts.
 > D> Whatever happened to real hacking?
 > People are too chicken shit now a days to do anything like that.  It's
 > always hide behind something and look what this script/batch file can do I
 > bought

my real phone number (i instead use google voice) gets a bunch of shit for
'robert', a guy who used to have my number.

it's funny to hear indians leave msgs saying they are fbi and i have to send
them money because i'm in so much trouble.
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