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Message   Jas Hud    digimaus   Re: pfsense...   September 4, 2024
 6:50 AM *  

  To: digimaus
  Re: Re: pfsense...
  By: digimaus to Jas Hud on Tue Sep 03 2024 02:53 pm

 > nodes on my board.  I'd kill one instance and he'd immediately reconnect.
 > So I looked his IP, put it into the BBS' firewall, restarted the firewall,

they arent script kiddies.  they are just bots attacking  you.
there probably isnt an individual involved.

 > It's sad that almost all of these attacks are just with scripts.  Whatever
 > happened to real hacking?

well back in the day it was using known exploits or calling people up on the
phone and tricking them.  that rarely happens now.

what i hate are these sites that want to appear to be legit but they portscan my
servers like a maniac all day long.  even when they are blocked by synchronet's
shitty ip blocking.
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