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Message   Nick Andre    All   Minor D'Bridge release available   June 29, 2024
 2:24 PM *  

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      �                 D'Bridge EMAIL System                �
                 Copyright (c) by Nick J. Andre, Ltd.

VERSION 4 - JUNE 29 2024

- Major improvements to DBUTIL EXPORT and you may now specify exactly which
  Echomail groups to export, in your choice of several wonderful outputs:

  AREAS.BBS - "Standard" Areas.BBS format file.
  AREAS.JTT - Just the Echomail Tags.
  AREAS.JTD - Just the area name and Fido *.MSG directories.
  AREAS.JAD - Just area names padded up to 54 spaces, and description.
  AREAS.JTA - Just area names, a space, and last date received.
  AREAS.JTF - Same as JTA but date field first.
  AREAS.JTM - Same as JTF but showing received dates for this month only.
  AREAS.JFD - Just Fido *.MSG directories only.


  DBUTIL EXPORT AREAS.JAD B will export areas and descriptions to
  the text file AREAS.JAD for only areas matching group B.

  You can also optionally specify security, ie:

  DBUTIL EXPORT AREAS.JAD A 50 will export group A and areas equal to or
  less than security level 50.

  And if that wasn't enough.... you can also specify an optional period
  with the security to return X days of last scan/unpack activity, ie:


  Will return areas in group A, security 50 that have had Echomail traffic
  in the last 30 days.

  and then look at this new file; "Unknown" or areas with no last received
  date information will be listed first, followed by oldest to newest.

  SORT /R AREAS.JTF > NEWSORT.TXT can produce active areas on your D'Bridge
  system newest-to-oldest. Likewise if you used JTM, you could use that one
  to produce monthly stats if desired.

- Creating DBEXIT.252 will restart the mailer.

- Automatic mailer restart in some cases.

- Should fix 768k memory allocation on Tandy 1000 SL, TL and RL models.

- Should improve performance on Windows 95, 98 and ME.

- Minor cleanup of temporary files.

- Update to Readme file.

Nick Andre

--- Renegade vY2Ka2
 * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (618:500/24)
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