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Message   Jas Hud    Arelor site   June 16, 2024
 7:34 AM *  

  To: Arelor
  Re: site
  By: Arelor to Jas Hud on Sun Jun 16 2024 06:49 am

 > How the fucking fuck can my old fucktard computer from the Windows 7 era
 > feel snappier and more fluid while running its original Operating System
 > than my mother's modern computer running its own Original Operating system?
 > Commercial Operating Systems have been in regression for a good while. You
 > need to purchase systems with a fuckload of CPU cores and RAM to keep doing
 > about the same thing you used to do with less than half the resources. It is
 > no wonder people wants to stick to their ancient setups.

well my computer is real real old and  i'm running windows 10 and i can play a
lot of the newer games on it.  it's not awesome but i can play the games.
i can't run windows 11 due to the cpu being blacklisted even though i have the
features it requires.
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